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Top female star no longer friends with Kane

Started by Liz, June 28, 2022, 11:36:53 AM

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A former Divas Champion recently revealed that she does not consider Kane a friend following the WWE Hall of Famer's recent comments. Kane, aka Glenn Jacobs, has attracted a lot of criticism for supporting the US Supreme Court's ruling to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision.
The WWE Hall of Famer issued the following tweet shortly after the verdict was passed:
"Roe v. Wade has been overturned! This clears the way for states like TN to pass stronger protections for the unborn, and is an answer to a prayer for so many. #RightToLife #Victory" tweeted Kane.
Those who are pro-choice have not taken kindly to Kane's statements, and Paige was one of the many wrestling personalities who expressed their displeasure online. A fan asked Paige about her reaction to Glenn Jacob's comments, and she made an honest revelation about her relationship with the veteran superstar.
Saraya Bevis stated that she did not want to be friends with Kane due to his stance on the Roe vs. Wade decision:
"People who agree with women losing the right to their own bodies is not a friend of mine," wrote Paige.
People who agree with women losing the right to their own bodies is not a friend of mine. twitter.com/Kane15H/status...
حسام جِايكوبز | Husaam
حسام جِايكوبز | Husaam
@RealPaigeWWE You did insult kane for explaining his opinion why paige? He is a good friend of yours
Many fans have come out and backed Paige in this scenario, and you can check out all the top tweets right here.

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