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Tony Khan admits WWE has been doing “better shows” recently

Started by Liz, August 12, 2022, 09:16:01 AM

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In an interview with DAZN, AEW President Tony Khan admitted that WWE has been doing "better shows recently" than ever before and is bringing old fans back which will eventually benefit AEW as well.
"I watch them pretty often, and I think they've been better," Khan said. "It seems like that's the consensus among people who watch them."
Khan believes that in general, if more people tune in to watch wrestling, it's not going to hurt any other company as they also stand to gain from the surplus in viewers.
"Because if you're a big wrestling fan, and if you've been away and you like good wrestling, you might be saying, 'Where are Chris Jericho and Bryan Danielson? CM Punk's back?'" Khan said.
In a recent interview, Khan noted that the change in leadership over at WWE would not change the wrestling landscape at all and while Triple H and Stephanie are not as old school as Vince, he doesn't necessarily think that they would lean more towards working with him in the future if the opportunity presents itself.

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