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Guinness World Records acknowledge John Cena’s record-breaking wishes

Started by Liz, September 25, 2022, 11:11:11 AM

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The Guinness World Records have acknowledged John Cena's record-breaking wishes granted through Make-A-Wish Foundation which now stand at a whopping 650, more than any other celebrity.
Despite out of the majority of the WWE spotlight, the leader of the Cenation remains popular with kids whose wish is nothing more than meeting the man himself.
Just for comparison, no other celebrity in Make-A-Wish has granted more than 200 wishes, but Cena is the most requested celebrity and is now working towards the 700th wish.
The 16-time world champion doesn't advertise 99% of his meet & greets or Make-A-Wish events but on occasions he ends up in the news like for example when he took a plane and traveled to the Netherlands to meet a fan with down syndrome from Ukraine who fled the country with his mother during the war.

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