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Ric Flair: “Steamboat coming back makes me want to come back again”

Started by Liz, September 25, 2022, 11:22:29 AM

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With the recent news of Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat lacing up his wrestling boots again after 12 years, Ric Flair has spoken about how he now wants to come back...again!
Speaking on his podcast To Be The Man, Flair, who recently had his "last match" at the end of July, said that Steamboat is better than 50% of the guys in the business today at every level.
"He wouldn't get in the ring if he wasn't. He holds himself to a very high standard, and I imagine he'll probably look better than the guys he's in the ring with because he's always in good shape," Flair said.
The Nature Boy noted that he has been doing training again and admitted seeing Steamboat come back makes him want to do it all over again.
"Steamboat coming back makes me want to come back again," Flair said.
Steamboat refused to be part of the Ric Flair's Last Match event in Nashville and said he prefers for fans to have the last image of him against Chris Jericho in a WWE ring from over a decade ago when fans chanted "You still got it!"
Something, obviously, changed a lot in the span of a few months as now Steamboat will be headlining a Big Time Wrestling event on November 27 in Raleigh, North Carolina.

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