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Max Dupri signs off by attacking Maximum Male Models, LA Knight is back!

Started by Liz, October 09, 2022, 10:50:54 AM

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Bye bye Max Dupri. Hello LA Knight, again!
Maximum Male Models will no longer be led by Max as the former NXT star turned on them. MMM will now be going forward, for now, with Maxxine Dupri.
On Smackdown, cameras showed both members of Maximum Male Models down with Dupri standing on top of them with a chair in his hand. Maxxine then came in frame and asked Max what was he thinking.
"Do not call me that name again," he said, as he ripped them for failing. "What I am, who I am? LA Knight, yeah," he said as he walked away to a pop from the crowd.
Wade Barrett then hilariously said on commentary that he knew that was LA Knight!
Meanwhile, it was later announced that LA Knight will take on Mansoor on next week's Smackdown.

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