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Started by Daddy Mack, November 14, 2020, 01:23:06 AM

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Daddy Mack

Mark Jackson

November 13th, 1989



Detroit, MI

Godzilla by Eminem

Finishing Move
TGT - There Goes Tokyo
(Double Underhook Sit Out Powerbomb)

German Suplex Bridged into Pin, Big Boot, Powerslam, Powerbomb, Hanging Suplex, Bearhug, Belly To Belly Suplex, Multiple Variations of the Backbreaker

Powerhouse Technician

Fake Bio
Born in the UK and fell in love with wrestling on TV, pursued it to find a local indy promoter and went to work earning money to pay for a education and had his first match at sixteen. At seventeen he had saved enough money to help his family move to Detroit to be close to nature and because he knew it would be a good start to a career in wrestling. He found his way into the Underground Arena which is owned by the one, the only, the original, Daddy Mack, though is "real" name may be Shane William Mack, he is The Showsteala. Anyways, The Mack was promoting matches every night SEF didn't use the arena, no titles, no reason to have a match except to show what you can do. So MJ hung around until he got his opportunity which happened when he got a cleaning the place up at night, helped set up and tear down the ring, steel cages, and loading trucks for SEF and other performers. This summer he slept most nights in Mack's dressing room which has a sofa in there, but to be fair, The Showsteala slept in his office which has a bed, typical Mack. MJ is getting his big opportunity real soon in SEF as he just turned eighteen and the party has truly begun for this young man. A mentor in Mack with a mind just like the elder who will not be his agent, or manager, but a brother.

Real Bio
Coming Soon!

Wears black shorts that read MJ in a silver metallic color, black kneepads and lace up boots to complete his ring attire.

Outside the ring he dresses up in suits, a bit casual, no tie unless the occasion absolutely calls for it.

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