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Impact X Owns You (Mack & Viper)

Started by Daddy Mack, March 30, 2023, 07:42:10 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:09/02/2009 8:48 PMCopy HTML

(Here we find the one and only MACK laying on a leather sofa in the IX locker room all alone. He's shirtless and stoned, got some Kid Rock playing, the song Lowlife from his album Rock 'n Roll Jesus, heh, cheap plug, but this is Mack's narrator, so go figure. Mack just drinks up some Guinness, lays back looking up at the ceiling and sings along to himself, smirk on his face. Damn, guess this a bad time for a promo from the man. Meanwhile, we find his bro Viper and his girl Whitney in the cafeteria, their finishing up some lunch. After tossing out some trash Viper grabs a couple bottled waters and hands one to Whitney. They head on down the hall talking.)
Whitney Marret: Wonder why Mack wasn't hungry, he usually eats all the time.
Viper: Who knows, guy is fucked in the head, why ya think he needs us to carry his ass?!
(Whitney laughs and slaps Viper on the arm.)
Whitney Marret: I'm the one carrying you both, after all, I got the only gold in the group!
Viper: Only cause your on our side and we won't take it from ya.
Whitney Marret: If you could!
Viper: We wish we'd try, tag team your ass!
(Whitney looks wide eyed, then a laugh bursts out and she lunges over tackling Viper to the wall, pulls him down with a headlock walking him down the hall. Viper lifts her up and walks down the hall the last few steps to the IX door and slams her against it. They break eyeing each other cautiously, then Whitney tries for a low kick. Viper reaches down grabbing her foot.)
Viper: Watch it, damn, I got some girls to please tonight.
Whitney Marret: Yea right, with what, some little one inch worm!
Viper: Oh, uh huh, your just jealous cause ya got the short one!
(Viper points inside the room and Whitney rolls her eyes. He lets her foot go and Whitney leans against the door some, then it opens and she falls into it pushing it all the way open and falling on the floor. Viper starts laughing and Mack looks at him, then Whitney, chuckles a bit, but helps Whitney to her feet. She slaps him on the arm.)
Whitney Marret: What was that all about, whydidn't you catch me?
MACK: I didn't know who was out here, just heard some noise. Opened the door and it pushes me backwards.
(Viper's still laughing, grabs the bottles of water and hands Whitney hers, then walks inside plopping down the sofa. Whitney takes a swig of water and heads for the sofa as Mack starts to shut the door when Westside Wanksta walks in before he does.)
Westside Wanksta: Yo my man M, what be cracking dawg?!
(Mack arches a brow at Wanksta and looks over at Viper and Whitney. They just shakes their heads and Mack looks at Wanksta.)
MACK: I'm fine.
Westside Wanksta: Fo shizzle Mackizzle, so what up wit WAR, ya gonna bash Orton or what?
MACK: Sure!
Westside Wanksta: Um, that be it dawg?
MACK: What more ya want?
Westside Wanksta: Get all fired up, lay down some shit about ya gonna whip some ass, tear it up and spin some shit out.
MACK: You ok dude?
Westside Wanksta: Fo sure, I'm off da hook my brotha, waxing the shit all the days and nights.
MACK: Damn, ya outta lay off the crack and smoke some weed instead.
(Viper and Whitney laugh at that one, it was a good one.)
Westside Wanksta: Wha, shit dawg, I ain't be smoking no crack, fo real dawg, I'm a straight edge, narrow mutha, I be high on life.
(Now Mack laughs.)
Westside Wanksta: You laughing at me cracka?
(He just laughs some more.)
Westside Wanksta: Don't be playing on me foo, I'll bust ya up fo real.
(Mack just starts laughing hard now, Viper and Whitney doing the same.)
Westside Wanksta: You messed with the wrong brotha, time you got knoc-
(Mack pokes Wanksta in the eyes three stooges style, yea, that's great. He knees him in the gut bending him down and reaches to his boxers yanking 'em up his back, then lets go. Wanksta jumps up screaming like a girl.)
Westside Wanksta: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!
(Mack turns him to the door and kicks him in the ass out into the hall, then shuts the door and walks over plopping down in a leather chair kicking his legs up sitting sideways in it, well more like laying, whatever. He reaches for his beer, grabs it and takes a swig.)
MACK: So what ya two kids up to?
Whitney Marret: Excuse me...old man?!
(Viper just smirks.)
MACK: Yea little girl, what ya been up to, taking care of your muchie fix?!
Whitney Marret: Its your fault for currupting me.
Viper: Got ya there bro!
MACK: Whatever, not like anyone around these parts was ever actually innocent.
Whitney Marret: What are you up to is the question? What with finding out who attacked me last week and your match against Orton who had some harsh words about ya.
Viper: Better watch it bro, Orton's gonna kill ya, he owns ya, got your number.
MACK: Meh, whatever!
(Mack tosses back the rest of his beer and sets the bottle on the table. He looks around and then sits up.)
MACK: Damn it, lets go cut a promo, I feel like getting some shit off my chest about Orton's lame ass and Whitney, don't ya worry, don't ya fret, whatever bitch jumped ya last week has a real problem now, the originals...Impact X! Now lets roll!
(Mack hops up and can of spray paint...hmmm. Viper and Whitney look at each other, then hop up heading out the door behind Mack. The three roam on down the hall and some guy in a headset looks to pass them, but they walk side to side and Viper shoves the poor bastard to his ass and they go on by. We come upon a typical promo spot where it looks like Joe Dumar is at about to give a promo. Mack yells at him and Joe turns, then Viper charges him nailing Venom laying Joe out. Mack starts spray painting on the backdrop, its green paint. Whitney just steps in front of the camera now holding her title on her shoulder. Viper picks up Joe and sends him hurling into a cart and pushes him down the hall. He steps into view putting an arm around Whitney and Mack just continues painting.)
Viper: Greetings SEF! Impact X is here to welcome you all to the uh...um...
Whitney Marret: To the Pre Monday Night WAR segway!
Viper: Whoa, cool save there. So yea, We in Impact X feel it is our duty to properly open for WAR as we are not just the longest contracted stars in SEF, but we are the greatest, the backbone, the only reason SEF exists for new "talent" to compete here, guys like Orton and all them lowgrade punks thinking their some big shot. Ya know Orton, I heard what ya said and pal, anytime ya want me again just name the place cause it'll be my pleasure to whip your ass again!
Whitney Marret: And Orton, if you think you'll ever get a shot at this title again, you have another thing coming. Only those in our league can have a shot at there is no one else in our league, so it looks like your screwed.
(They turn looking at Mack who is painting a big circle around the words and then makes some scribbles. Whitney nudges him and he jumps, turns and looks all shocked and scared, sarcastically, what a prick. Mack steps between his partners and holds up the paint can, then tosses it away and smirks.)
MACK: Orton...Chris Orton, my oh my, what a wonderful guy! So your ready, you are ready to go one on one with the absolute best SEF has ever seen, will ever seen, and currently sees today...
(Mack looks side to side at Viper and Whitney, then gets a cheesy smirk.)
MACK: The best of all stands here and so what if I got involved last week, so fucking what? Ya think it matters Orton, ya really do? I got news for ya pal, it don't matter because we have nothing to prove to you or anyone else in SEF. All the proving lies with you, you Orton, you have to prove yourself and if ya don't, that's your problem. You got a long way to go before you can come close to being the best around here and that son is not just the cold, hard truth, that is a fucking shoot and a half!
(His expression grows kinda serious now.)
MACK: About DX now, yea, similiar we are as all factions take elements from the greatest in the business, plus the three of us are huge fans, definitely degenerates, so naturally your gonna have more similiarities and so what? We still go out and do our gig our own original way, we are DX taken to the truest form of extreme. Not saying they were watered down, but the true SEF fans know the difference and that's another thing Orton. If were so horrible, if were "rip-offs", how come we can't be booed out of the arena? Why is it when we make our entrance you hear the fucking crowd erupt in cheers? Granted we got haters, but they can barely be heard. You pride yourself on being fan friendly, being loved, you are for the fans, so why is it they love us too if were so..."bad"?!
(Mack smirks now and Viper puts an arm around him.)
Viper: I'll tell ya why Mack. Ya see, its real simple, ya got fans that are diehard, ol school fans, they followed SEF from the start, they probably remember more hsitory than we made, they respect the great ones and those are the ones going crazy for Impact X. Now then, ya got the new fans, the kids, the ones who been watching for a year maybe, a few months or they just turned on the set and got addicted. They boo us cause they don't know any better, they don't know us or the history of SEF and most will never know enough because their not diehard enough to research, they just love whats currently on.
MACK: Wow bro, your like full of knowledge, damn. Ya really think that's the case?
Viper: Beats me dude, I was just reading the cue card!
(Viper points and Mack looks as he laughs, but then stops and looks again, scratches his head and says in confusion.)
MACK: What a cue card?
Viper: Uh, don't we have cue cards, help us remember our lines in the script?
MACK: Script?
(Viper looks around and Mack looks confused as Whitney just rolls her eyes.)
Whitney Marret: Enough boys! Mack, don't ya got a promo to finish?
(Mack looks at Whitney and points.)
MACK: AWWW, you can't say that word.
Whitney Marret: What?
MACK: Promo, that's like taboo.
(Whitney just rolls her eyes again as Mack looks back at the camera.)
MACK: Well anyways, if it was up to me I'd have the night off like my partners and we'd go party all night long, but ya see Orton, I was booked my management, yes Orton, management, something I am not a part of, so how ya get I signed you to SEF and how I wanted this match to get an answer for last week, a pack of lies like your whole, entire, waste of space spiel you try to pass off for a promo. Ya see son, the man who signed you was not Whitney's "daddy", it was her father Dick Martin!
(Whitney looks wide eyed and slaps Mack on the shoulder.)
MACK: One thing ya said right was that whoever made the attack last week does obviously have a problem with Impact X, but the real problem began when they attacked one of us because now they gotta deal with all of us just like you Orton. Ya see, its like I said already, we have to prove nothing to you, so if we want to beat you down like a dog and leave you laying like a beaten piece of meat, we will do exactly that and it don't matter what you say, what you call us, what you do, nothing will ever change where you rank compared to Impact X! I suppose no one will ever break the mold will they, but so ya know Orton, I thought maybe you were different. I figured you could handle hearing the truth, but I suppose not after what ya spewed out your cum receptical of a mouth. I truly did hold a lot of respect for you and well I never signed you, I did want you in SEF, but you continue to disrespect me and maybe you won't be in SEf any longer, maybe you won't have a career at all!
(Mack stares dead into the camera.)
MACK: You want a match to rank up there with all the great icon versus icon matches, well Orton, it may sound good, it may look good in your vision, but in reality you don't want that because in reality the icon who proves to be better will be me. Call me cocky like a million and one other people have, clal me arrogant, call me an asshole, but at the end of the night you and the thousands of fans in the arena can call me the winner and that is a real shoot...BOY!
(Viper rubs on Mack's shoulders some as Whitney stares into the camera, then Mack gets a grin.)
MACK: Now ya know Orton, all we gotta say before your funeral is just two more words, so son, here's to ya...
(And all three drop their hands doing crotch chops, then Mack and Viper shove the camera backwards causing the dude to stumble and fall, so all we see is Impact X's feet walking down the hall and some screaming heard from others as they get out of the groups way, then we fade to black.)

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