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Battle Of The Bulls (Thor)

Started by Taylor Andrews, March 30, 2023, 08:25:16 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:16/02/2009 1:48 PMCopy HTML

(So its time to fight tonight and Thor is set to go one on one with D-Von Dudley, two fairly big men clashing, not real tall, but stocky as hell. Should be a hell of a battle as both are kinda the same in size, damn near the same attitudes. Ya got D-Von's ol school style and Thor's as well, but more people know of D-Von's past than Thor's. Very few know of how Thor came up, the sessions in the ol gym outta New York, working shows for nothing, he's come up the hard way and knows the value of hard work. D-Von thinks he knows it all, he even told Jay that he's been there and done it all, but D-Von is a flat out liar for that because if he had he wouldn't be in this business anymore, no one can lay claim to knowing it all and that's a fact. No word from D-Von yet, so we go tot Thor who is standing by in jeans and a black sweatshirt, hands in the pockets of it and hair tied back, eyes intense.)
You've been a rol since returning D-Von and its no surprise to me or anyone else, your a good wrestler, one of the older guys, a veteran, but no doubt you can still go. You do have a chip on your shoulder it seems, but then I guess its always been there, maybe not so much of one as in the past, but regardless its still there. You seem to believe you know it all, well then D-Von, why ain't you sitting on top of SEF right now?
(He pauses taking a breath.)
Maybe you'll say politics, talk about being held down, but hopefully ya don't start down that road again, start with the pack a lies. Though ya already been lying by saying you been through it all in this business, so what your saying is your better than Ric Flair?!
(His eyes fill with anger at that thought.)
Now I don't work a lot like Flair, my style is not close to his, but to deny he has influenced me would be a lie. Thing is D-Von, the same goes for you and every other person who came in the business after Flair. Your not better than Flair, you don't know it all in this business, so don't go around saying it. I am not downplaying whta you have down, so don't be mistaken, you've been through a lot D-Von, you and Bubba are probably the greatest tag team of all, in my eyes you are, in others your one of and some believe your not, its just the opinions of other people, we all have them. You've done a lot D-Von, but you have not done it all, that is impossible for anyone even Ric Flair and he'd be the first to tell you that, so stop the lie and get real.
(He pauses again taking a breath)
You continue thinking the way you do and you'll be in a world of disappointment tonight. You think you've done it all, faced every style there is, but that's a problem. Where people may have similiar styles they can never be identical for all people are completely different and unique making their styles their own. You just don't like new chapters in this business, you don't want to move on and evolve, your stuck in ECW, but D-Von, this tens years later or more depending on what year you think it is. ECW was revolution, it changed this business completely, it brought the hardcore wrestling from Japan to the states and made it famous, it will never be forgotten or outdone or redone, it was what it was. As far as how hardcore it got, it was violent, but if ya think no one else in this business can get that insane and violent, be that hardcore, your mistaken and its proof that you can't evolve, that your stuck in the past.

(He pauses once more taking a breath.)

Maybe I'm worng and maybe you just had a moment, a bad one, maybe your putting on an act, maybe. If not D-Von, your gonna be stuck tonight, stuck with the GORE and once you get hit you won't get up and I promise that. No one can stop Thor's Gore and no one is immune to it. Get ready to face the new business D-Von, open your mind learn new things because like the old saying goes, in this business you never stop learning!

(Thor pulls his hands out and flips the hood on his shirt over his head, then puts his hands back in pockets and walks off from the camera which soon fades to black.)

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