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Beware Of The Darkness (The Resurrector)

Started by Da Gangstas, March 30, 2023, 08:37:37 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:16/02/2009 10:19 PMCopy HTML

(After two weeks of attacking Whitney Marret in the dark we found it was The Resurrector who was the culprit and now he faces both Mack and Viper, but in a regular tag team match with his partner Chris Orton. And interesting team it should be, though both dislike Impact X, what else can link them together? No one is sure of what or if there is anything. The Resurrector is known to be a loner and after last week with him inadvertanly knocking out Orton will they be able to work together? Again not muich is known, so we'll see. Right now we take you into the shadows so to say, somewhere in the darkness, a faint light cast over the large figure of The Resurrector, all that you see on him is his face for he dresses in black, those dark eyes pierce out like daggers.)
The Resurrector:  So it seems Mack did not like my games that involved his wife being brutalized. Now its him and his partner Viper facing myself and my partner Chris Orton. I have no problem with the teams, Orton means nothing to me, we've never crossed paths until last week when my boot met his face. If he has a problem with that, then he has a very, big problem with me, but we'll see.
(He pauses and sneers a little.)
The Resurrector: Now Mack and Viper, my opponents for the night, I look forward to this, have been for a while. I was only looking for Mack in the ring, but the both of you is a bonus. The two men who built SEF aligned with the woman who created SEF, why wouldn't they be huge targets?
(He smirks now, a devious, devilish smirk that would make small children run in fear.)
The Resurrector: Mack is the main target, he is the bullseye, but the rings around him are Viper, Whitney, and now this new squeeze of Viper's. All in my target, all will fall into darkness. Mack and Viper, you two feel a wrath that you have never felt and you feel it tonight. I don't need Orton, but I am nobody's fool, he will be in that ring tonight helping me to beat you two. Don't need it, but I will use it, I use it all to my advantage and that is why I am the holder of SEF's World Heavyweight Championship and undeafeted since winning.
(Another pause, his smirk is gone and the sneer remains.)
The Resurrector: As for you Mack, just you and I boy, I have a bigger idea for the two of us, a grander design, but I'll wait to tell you until during WAR, I'll let you think about it, try to figure it out. I'll see you tonight and have no worries, it won't be from the darkness, well, maybe it won't!
(He smirks again, that devious smirk and then his eyes roll up into his head. Tor steps backwards engulfing himself into the darkness disappearing from the view and so the scene ends.)

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