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Were Not Afraid Of The Dark (Mack & Viper)

Started by Daddy Mack, March 30, 2023, 08:51:39 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:16/02/2009 10:53 PMCopy HTML

(Minute to go until WAR starts, a historic WAR as it marks the seven year anniversary of SEF and headlining it is a big match. MCW Title is on the line when Scorpion challenges Whitney Marret, two rivals who give nothing, but five star matches. Also tonight is a huge tag match pitting Impact X's Mack and Viper against rising star Chris Orton and World Champ The Resurrector. Those two matches alone could sell out any arena and there is more than that, but lets save the rundown for the commentators and lets go to Mack and Viper and hear from them, listen to what they got to say about tonight. The two sophomores stand in front of an SEF backdrop, both wear IX shirts and their arms are around each other, their women not here, hmmm, oh well.)
MACK: Ladies and gentlemen, especially you ladies, girls, chicks, bitches, hoes, sluts....
Viper: Ok, ok, enough man, Whitney and Liz might be watching.
MACK: Uh, oh, um, hey Whitney, love ya baby.
Viper: Yea, yea, so how about the tag match bro, Tor and Orton, heh, should be fun huh?!
MACK: What, are you mad, I can't do it.
Viper: Why not?
MACK: Dude, Tor was in the dark, I can't, I'm, man, don't tell anyone...
(Viper looks at the camera, then at Mack and smirks.)
Viper: Ok, I won't!
MACK: I'm afraid of the dark!
Viper: Well ya know, we won't be wrestling in the dark, we'll be in the ring with lights in the rafters.
MACK: But what if they go out like the last two weeks, I'll get scared man, I can't do it, darkness scares me.
Viper: Its not that bad man, what ya afraid of?
MACK: The boogeyman, he only show sup in the dark, he almost got me as a kid and ever since I hated the dark, I fear it.
Viper: No worries man, Boogeyman is employed by WWE, he can't show up here!
(Mack looks all confused.)
MACK: What?
Viper: The Boogeyman, he works for WWE, ya know, their show ECW, he's on it.
MACK: He's a wrestler?
Viper: Well...yea he is.
MACK: Wow, so when did ECW return?
(Viper just looks at him wide eyed and Mack smirks, Viper squints a little.)
Viper: You bastard, you been fucking with me all this time.
MACK: Huh, no, me, who, what?
Viper: Damn it, be serious here, we got, The Resurrector and Chris Orton to deal with, these guys are awesome, their incredible, their best of SEF, what the hell are we gonna do? Your being a comedian as usual and won't focus on the match, so I'll be in a two on one, man, I can't do this, I can't take it, the pressure is too much, I'm gonna crack.
(Mack slaps him across the face and Viper looks relieved now.)
Viper: Thanks bro, I don't know what came over me.
MACK: The pressure of the match bro, its intense, I mean your right, what the hell can we do? We gotta face Orton and Tor, how can we do it? Were only Impact X, the greatest faction of all time, we are Mack and Viper, the best SEF has ever and will ever see, were like gods, no, we are gods and we rule SEF.
Viper: That's a mild way to put it I guess, we are SEF indeed, Impact X not only owns you all, but we own SEF and that Dick Martin is a shoot!
MACK: HAHAHA, yea, fuck you Dick! This is the seven year itch, bitch!
(Viper looks at Mack who looks back and they both shrug with looks of confusion.)
MACK: Anyways, Orton, ya say I never proved shit to you, well son, in case ya forgot, I never had to prove shit to you and I never will, so now what?
Viper: I don't know, Orton's a punk bitch, forget him.
MACK: Ok, no problem there, but how about Tor? Big ass dark man wannabe bitch, fucking beating down Whitney in the dark, oooh, real tough champ, wow, your a real badass!
Viper: Heh, now he's fucked though, no darkness to protect him, he's gotta deal with us in the ring, in the light and he won't like it, no one would because when ya face Impact X you don't come back from it, you won't win, so Tor, come and get it son.
MACK: Ain't it true my brother, the big bitch and the little twit are gonna fell the impact and were gonna mark 'em with a big, fat X...heh, like you wouldn't believe!
(Viper and Mack both smirk now and throw their arms back around each other, do a double crotch chop and walk off camera laughing, the scene ends now.)

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