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The Vampiric Bitch is Coming! Beware Resurrector(Promo for Wrestle X)

Started by midnight, March 30, 2023, 08:58:39 PM

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Date Posted:16/02/2009 11:24 PMCopy HTML

The tron lights up and static images of the Vampiric Bitch flicker about. Then suddenly words become bloody as they read out a warning to Resurrector. The words read..........

Beware Resurrector....I am coming to end your reign of darkness...Beware of......


Then Wrestle X logo comes on the tron with Midnight's face appearing on camera, laughing and giving that sick smile. The tron fades out completely.


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Re:The Vampiric Bitch is Coming! Beware Resurrector(Promo for Wrestle X)
Date Posted:16/02/2009 11:48 PMCopy HTML

Liz is in her locker room and stares at the tv hard. She is fully aware of what her sister Midnight is capable of doing to those that piss her off. Her and Midnight use to fight alot as kids until their parents died tragically. Liz also knows that Resurrector is about to come face to face with the Diva of Death herself and someone who knows the shadows better then he does. Afterall, Midnight is vampire...well half vampire. She has been through every living hell known out there and Midnight wasn't scared of an Undertaker wannabe. Liz now knows her sister means busines and even though Liz is not scared of her sister nor is she scared of the Undertaker reject, she realizes the HELL...HAS...BEEN...UNLEASHED!

Liz's phone suddenly rang and Liz reaches over to pick it up. On the other end was her sister and her voice was not in best of mood. Midnight speaks while Liz listens.

"My dear sister Lizzy..you know...you true know what I am going to do to him. I need not remind you of the many bodies I laid to waste. And you know his time is ending. I do not want his title...I want to show the whole world the imposter he is. He not only disgraces our brother The Undertaker..BUT he makes a mockery of the true evil that is my kind. But sit back dear sister and watch me."

There is a silence and then a click as Midnight had hung up on her sister. Liz sighs as the scene goes completely black.

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