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Midnight's Revenge(SEF RUMBLE)

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Date Posted:21/02/2009 10:35 PMCopy HTML
A six foot one tall female walks into the building wearing all black with a red cloak hood over her face. Underneath the cloaked hood, her face was pale, with red glowing eyes, fangs that were ready to bite and her hair shiny red. As she walked in, two overweight type guys snickered a slight bit at her as she almost walked past them. You can hear then whisper the words...


Midnight, who had excellent hearing as is, began to spin around on her heel, catch one of the guys by the throat and slam him up against the wall. Her cloak fell off her head as she growled at him.

(leans in to sniff his neck)"Your lucky mortal..that I don't snap you in half and feed on you as is."

The guy, quickly appologizes for his action and his friend took off like a bat out of hell.

"I...I...I..I'm sorry Miss Midnight. It won't happen against. Please don't hurt me. I have a wife and two kids."

Midnight released her grip from his neck, and then pointed towards exit door.

"LEAVE....NOW! Before I change my mind mortal."

The guy runs out the door as Midnight starts walking again.While she is walking, she notices her sister cuddling up to her boyfriend Viper up ahead and shakes her head at the sight she was seeing. She walks up to both of them and sighs.

"Jade Hyde.." She said as she flipped back her hair.

"Don't call me that sis. I hate that middle name. It reminds me of old times."

"I'll call you what I want and you will do good to mind your tongue little lady. I am still your sister, and promised our parents that I would keep an eye on you, to make sure you stayed out of trouble."

Viper moved Liz out of the way some and stood tall in front of Midnight. Midnight didn't flinch at all but smirked at him some as he spoke.

"I am sure your sister is in good hands. Besides Miss Midnight, she's a big girl now. No need to monitor her every move. Why don't you chill out and relax."

Midnight suddenly, without warning, struck Viper in the throat with her two fingers and caused him to go down to the ground on one knee, coughing and spitting up flem. Liz rushes over to him to help him. She gets a mad look on her face and yells.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR DAMAGE SIS?" She said as she help Viper up. "He was just looking out for me and being nice. No need to strike him."

Midnight grabbed Viper as Liz was pushed aside. Liz watched as Midnight lifts Viper up off the ground a tiny bit in a choking like manner. She then spoke.

"Let me remind you of something dear mortal. I am one vampiric bitch you do not want pissed off. I do not care who or what group your in, I will destroy you with a snap of a finger. I am also the one that is going to beat 29 of SEF's wrestling stars, one being my sister. After I win, then I will go after who ever is the champion. Trust me mortal..I will destroy them all. Even if I have to snap my own flesh in blood in half."

Midnight lets him go and walks away. Viper is coughing some as Liz has a mad look on her face. Midnight disappears into the shadows as Viper yells out something.

"Crazy bitch!"

The scene fades out completely.


Taylor Andrews

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Re:Midnight's Revenge(SEF RUMBLE)
Date Posted:21/02/2009 10:52 PMCopy HTML

(Well actually the scene never faded, it just got unteruptted cause the guy Midnight took out was the cameraman, not Viper. It now switches to the grinning face of Viper who sits back in a chair laughing. Liz looks up and over at him, then back down at the guy Midnight attacked and realizes its not Viper. She looks stunned, but just gets up and walks over plopping down on Viper's lap throwing her arms around his neck.)

Elizabeth Hyde: How did you get over here...what the hell?

Viper: I got and grabbed a bottle of water, then sat back down. Your dumbass sister grabbed the cameraman.

(Liz laughs.)

Viper: So what's her deal anyways?

Elizabeth Hyde: What do you mean?

Viper: Well what's her problem? Making threats, trying to scare us, heh, she's got a lot to learn around here, a lot, but then all new stars in a company have a lot to learn, meh, just how it goes. So anyways, tell me about her, what's her deal?

(Viper takes a drink of water.)

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