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Beware of Midnight!(SEF RUMBLE/WAR RP)

Started by midnight, March 30, 2023, 09:22:06 PM

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Date Posted:22/02/2009 1:59 PMCopy HTML

Engulfed in the shadows,was a female named Midnight, hellbent on becoming even more legendary then she is now. For Midnight this rumble meant that if she won, it would place her name in the history of SEF and more importantly, show the whole world that she was the dominate force that has laid to waste dozens of victims who have tried to permanently take her out and couldn't. All the trash talking in the world wasn't going to save them from Midnight's wraith.
Midnight was in the shadows chuckling a bit and chanting something out loud. She stopped chanting and moved her face forward some,light reflecting on her pale like skin and her devilish grin as she began to speak.

"Tonight is the rumble...A rumble I am very familiar with...A rumble that I will win. Tonight I will make history and be the first vampiric bitch to take out 29 other superstars including the bimbos that are the SEF divas. Tonight I am going to shut those doubting mortals who think just because I am who I am that I have no chance winning. But I say that my accomplishments have spoke for themselves as is. Former Bytches Ultimate Domain Bytch Championess, 5 time IWF Women's Championess, MWF 2 time Women's Championess,Hell Wrestling Federation World Champion and the first diva to destroy Joseph"Envoy of the End" Pelligrini,First woman to officially retire and end the career of Jamie Feerick in IWF. My list can go on forever mortals, but the fact remains..I am out for blood and it's the blood of the 29 I face in the rumble. You do not realize what destruction I can bring forth to each and everyone of you. Especially Whitney Marrett. (pauses to lick her chops) Whitney, I heard what you said, and I hate to bust that cocky bubble for you, but none of my family is here except my sister Lizzy,and she is the least of a threat to anyone. She will be laid to waste as well. But Whitney, do you not realize the idol threats you just spoke? Exactly that..idol threats. You do not have the testicular fortitude to even get close enough to snap my neck mortal, so I suggest you do the one thing your solely good at, and that is to be a good little girl and place your mouth back on Daddy Mack's cock and shut up. Better then that deary, I suggest you back up that claim and show me now if you got the grapefruits to snap me in half. I'll wait."

Ten minutes go by and Midnight chuckles. She shakes her head and then continues.

"Just as I thought Whitney..nothing. You spoke with idol threats as always. So what does that say for the rest of your damn crew. But to Joe Dumar...your life is about to end on WAR little boy. I am the legendary Midnight that has been rumored to take names and kick lots of ass. I am also the one that lurks in the shadows, waiting for my next meal and your lucky that I have not stalked you...YET! (she cracks her knuckles) Trust me Joe..your going to feel what death is like..personally. As for the rest of you so called talents, beware of the shadows, stay away from the light, beware of MIDNIGHT! (devilish laugh begins)Muahahahahaha!"

Midnight slowly creep her face back into the darkness, letting it engulf her face as the scene fades to black.

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