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Let's Go Hunting (Mack, Viper, Xanthus)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 12:26:56 AM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:02/03/2009 5:57 PMCopy HTML

(Were outside a small house in the country somewhere, north as there is a good amount of snow on the ground. Standing on the porch is Xanthus smoking a cigarette. He wears baggy jeans and his big, heavy army jacket. A black Caddilac comes rolling down the driveway and pulls in front of the house and the back window rolls down showing the face of Viper who looks at X. he looks around and nods in a yes motion, then flicks his cig away. The window goes up and Viper opens the door stepping out and shuts it. He's wearing a leather jacket and pants and heads up on the porch, he and X just eye each other and then headin the front door. We go in with them and right inside is the small kitchen with an ol' wooden table and a single light on overhead. Sitting there is Mack in blue jeans and a faded green tee with these words on the front in white, Keep Talking and under that I Like Watching Your Lips Move. He wears a cowboy style hat worn like HBK and has grey pot leafs all over it. Viper has a seat across him and X pulls a chair around sitting backwards on it. The three men look to each other, back and forth and then Viper speaks.)
Viper: So I suppose it is time we do this?
Xanthus: About damn time I say!
MACK: Your both correct, but X my boy, patient is a virtue, it is very much indeed with what's going on. Now though is the time and no one involved will ever be the same again.
Viper: Tonight could get crazy man, though I believe the craziest part will be coming from us and what comes from then on will shock the world.
MACK: Indeed it will.
Xanthus: Good, fuck the world and fuck these fuckers running around here, we gonna hit them hard and fast, make them wonder what the fuck it was!
MACK: We will do that, but not all tonight, its a process, it takes time to truly make an impact worthy of being labeled such.
Xanthus: Yea dawg, I just get too fucking amped up.
MACK: Its hard to blame you, especially after hearing what Orton had to say, hearing him disgrace a legend, steal that quote and use as his own.
Viper: Oh man, I heard that too, man, I thought to myself, Orton's a deadman.
MACK: He is just that! No one is worthy enough to use that quote said by Shawn, Orton will never be that big, he will never be HBK and he'll never be any of us. He has a long way to go to be in our league, but no matter how hard he tries he'll never be us, let alone HBK!
Xanthus: Fucker is gonna die! Claims he would have my ass beat if it wasn't for you guys, bullshit! He had help from Storms and Torres, man, what the hellis with them anyways?
MACK: Not sure man, guess they didn't like what I've done in my past, so they tried to pull one over on me, on us.
Viper: Their gonna get in the end though cause the World belt is coming to IX.
MACK: Yes, Whitney facing Storms, big size difference, but she can take him. Fuckers need to be with us, have our backs, teach that punk Orton a lesson about SEF, let him know what's up. They want to team with him though, then I suppose we treat them like Orton and they fall prey to Impact X!
Viper: Agreed brother, Da Gangstas are and forever will be apart of SEF...history. Now it is Impact X and they need to realize it.
MACK: Yes they do!
Xanthus: And if they don't we just gotta beat it into them IX style. Fuck what anyone says, it ain't cheap beatdowns, its lessons taught to those who need it and who better to teach than the fucking veterans of the company?
(Mack and Viper smirk now and look at X proud.)
MACK: You are right and it is truly time...it is time to take care of business. Orton wants to steal that quote and that aside, he says don't hunt what you can't kill, well Chris Orton fails to realize we can kill him anytime we want, so my brothers, I just got one last thing to say to ya.
(Mack stands up now, so Viper stands and so does X.)
MACK: Let's go hunting!
(Mack pulls his leather jacket off his chair pulling it on his body as X opens the door and heads outside. Mack steps around by Viper and the two just look at each other. They walk out the door, Mack shutting out the light and shuts the door. Viper climbs into th eback of the Caddy while X hops in the passeners front and Mack hops in the back. The Caddy backs up and then heads up the driveway to the main road and speeds down it as the scene goes to black.)

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