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universal6 star tag team

The beginning

Started by dvon, April 05, 2023, 12:31:22 AM

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Date Posted:03/03/2009 10:45 PMCopy HTML

.::. With each family comes a legacy and with each legacy comes a sequal of  the original.  From  young age to young beginnings the same thing seems to happen in life. Each one has a legacy. Growing up in the New York  Erie area as a kid  life coudnt be more  up and up  forone youngster wi the  pasion to achieve more than what his father  did. One ting though  some say the  high chol stand outand  one cosen on the chool  wrestling tam to make a career out the  sport  took a diffrent road for year  and  left everything behind in the rea world and the school world to pick up where no one  would teach him  what he needed to know about a buisness that was constantly calling him  in the direction of his father. Soon aftera ew matches in the indy scene  and other lacesallscame and one landed withmeeting the upper managemet of SEF. Now signing  a contract fter aew more matches under his belt the one time  dream became a reality.  Back home in Erie the camera catches up with Logan  hanging with his little brothers  watching them and he soon gets the in the house  grabing his jacket taking awalk arnd the neighborhood stopping at the old school.::.

Logan: It's funny when i was a young kid walkng those hal all i dreamed of was being a jock in anyway possible.  Being a  discus player track and field football baseball  you nae it i  wanted it. I guess the blood runs through the same  veins as it did my father. Until one day  i realised  one  competition was calling me. That competition was wrestling. The same  buisness that my  fathers side of the family was and is involved in.  For those who dont know me  my name is Logan  Dudley.

He turns  facing the camera and just stands with his hands in his pockets.

Logan: I am apart of one of the greatest tag teams family in the business i am the one that was forgotten by them  and  by my own father. History lesson for you all along time ago i was a kid who had no choice but to move from New York to  Erie because my mother left my dad  to persue other  options life  laid infront of her. She left my father with  only a kiss and a last word  he was gonna be a dad. And whos my father you might ask its simple. My dad is Bubba Ray Dudley. unlike him though i didnt forget where i came from i didnt forget who made me  and i would never  give up on finding my own child. Enough of him because honestly he doesnt matter. What does matter is the fact you people  who watch SEF get a pleassure in seeing one of the youngest  talented  superstars in the buisness come  before you today. Some say im cocky some say arrogant others say im a plain asshole. Me i say im confident in my ability and i aint afraid to go to any height to prove just how good i am. I will not  back down from any challenge or fight i will not  take a step back from any top dog in the company.

He laughs a little and sits on a near by  step going up to the school.

Logan: I do what i have to do to turn you peoples heads if it means putting my body on the line and doing what no one  will do then i will do the job. Im  someone in the family you  know nothing about  besides who my family is. I aint the hardcore weapon user to get the  job done i  do all but that. I  aspire in inspire and thats my goal. My name is  fearless because thats my game and who i am. I aint looking to make friends i aint here to kiss ass  with the boss or his  wife to get a top spot handed to me on a  silver platter. I will take what i deserve and work from the bottom up. You want  a never die attitude guy in that ring then look no further than  whats infront of you.  Im all the other  guys my age  wish they could be  and then some. Dont look  down  because sooner or later everything gets  high.

He stands  for a second and looks back at the school  finally walking away  down the street as the camera fades

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