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the vampire princess is here

Started by karmenmoore, April 05, 2023, 12:58:22 AM

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Date Posted:08/03/2009 12:54 PMCopy HTML

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it was in a dark cementary, angel comes walking up to the camera, she is holding a black rose, she looks at the camera, and begins to talk.

Angel: soon, you will find out who i am, soon i will be comeing, you all will feel the meaning of pain, and you will feel my vampire bite, i hope you all are ready for me.

the show went to a comercial, comeing back from comercial, the lights go out, a small women comes out on the ramp, angel walks down the ramp and gets in the ring, then she grabs a mic.

Angel: i told you i would be comeing, my name is angel, but im not an angel, its time for SEF to feel the vampire bite, if you want to talk to me or fight me you know where to find me

angel drops the mic and gets out of the ring, in the ring lays a black rose, she walks backstage to her dark locker room, she really dosent talk to people, but some people she does talk to. someone knocks on her door

Angel: come in

the person walks in and she looks at them, as they begin to talk
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