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Round 2 With Chirs Orton

Started by MattWard, April 05, 2023, 11:00:52 AM

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Date Posted:19/03/2009 9:18 PMCopy HTML

FeaturingMatt Ward Smokey Mc Weed, Chirs Orton
Lovers/HatersMichelle Jarrett-Ward(off Screen) Chirs Orton, Phoenix winterbourn/where you do not want to be.
Next matchMatt Ward vs Chirs Orton
AccomplishmentsFormer WCW Television Champion(2 Times), Former TNA X Division Champion(1 Times), Former DXCW Tag Team Champion(1 Time), Former DXCW United Continitel Champion(Last), DXCW World Champion(First), DXCW United States Champion(First), First ever triple crown winnner in DXCW.
.Title Here.
as the SEF Camera's are panning arround The Wrestleplex in Bowman, Georgia as SEF is getting ready to host Monday Night WAR as Matt Ward is in another match with a WGEF Allumni Chirs Orton, the last time Chirs and Matt Met in the ring it was before their huge eight man tag team match, where Matt Ward Defeated Chirs Orton in his hometown, but this is a neutral town for both men as they are getting ready to face off. as matt was coming into the arena with his custom made motorcycle as he is Arriving at the Wrestleplex as he is getting ready for his match, as Matt is wearing a Twisted Warriors Shirt and Black Jeans and Black Biker Boots with a Twisted Warrior Baseball Cap and red bandanna on under neat it as he is riding into the arena as he parks his motorcycle. as Smokey McWeed comes up to him for an interview.

||Smokey Mcweed|| right now i am here with the man that will be steping into the SEF ring against Chirs Orton, so Matt what are you thinking going into this match up against Chirs?

||Twisted Warrior|| ||Matt Ward|| well look it looks like management has been watching WGEF tapes of me, as they seen i have been in a match against chirs orton in his hometown, well chirs did not like the outcome of the match but that was then this is now, this is my time to show the company that i mean business in the ring. so chirs all i can say is the may the best man win *pauses for a second* oh wait that man is going to be me again. so tonight we are on a neutral ground neither man has the advantage the crowd in the ring, but the mental advantage i do have it against you chirs, i know this is going to be a hard match because we both know each other so well in the ring, but i have been training with some new moves and tonight i will defeate you with them.

||Smokey Mcweed|| so matt last week you were a no show against Phoenix winterborn why?

||Twisted Warrior|| ||Matt Ward|| a family emergency happen, so that is why i was not their, but this week i will make up for that match last week, with beating Chirs Orton this week.tonight is about making impression on the Owners for what i could not do last week, so i can make my way up the ladder for the International title. yeah i know i have faced Orton in the WGEF, but that was then this is now, we are in the Showstoppa Extreme Federation. so Chirs  no hard feelings man, tonight is my night to shine in the fucking ring.

as the SEF Camera's begins to fade as Matt Ward walks into his locker room as he looks like he is confident for his match tonight

End of roleplay
.Slogan here.

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