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Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, April 05, 2023, 11:02:06 AM

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Date Posted:20/03/2009 12:52 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Chris Orton that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

SEF presents "War" comes on the air, the scene shows bared-wire with the camera going down shows Chris Orton gets massive pop reaction from SEF fans, so he started talking about his upcoming match on War and Xanthus.

Chris Orton: Two weeks ago, I told the world that I was going teach a lesson to Xanthus in "Hardcore 101" living up to my word turns out that match between myself and Xanthus stole the show, and I enjoy every minute of it putting my body through hell also giving Xanthus the worst beating that he ever receive by somebody who wants to kill him with a passion. You see Xanthus last week on "War", I wanted take you to next level of "Hardcore 101" by having your skin rip apart by barbed wire that's why I wanted to make this match interesting by adding the stipulation whoever wins become the new number one contender for SEF World Heavyweight title, and I already predict that I'm going to win this match. This match at "Wrestle X" going to end the most talk about feud going right now in SEF, because I had up to here with Xanthus bs about me attacks from behind everything comes to an end at "Wrestle X", and Xanthus wants a preview what to expect take a look at this. 

Chris Orton lifts his left arm which was wrap around barbed wire, and SEF fans were cheering seeing this, as Orton speaks again.

Chris Orton: You see Xanthus pain is nothing to me, because I wrap my left arm in barbed wire to show you just sick and twisted I have become thanks to you. Now if you and rest of Da Gangsta want beat me down during my match with Matt Ward expect me to have my little friend with me, because you see the blood coming out my left arm will be your blood when I wrap that barbed wire around your neck cut it itch by itch hear you scream like a little bitch that you are. I have a match coming up with Matt Ward who already saying he going to win this match, so he doesn't understand just because you beat me in other company doesn't mean you going to beat me in SEF, because I am more successful here like former SEF Intercontionental Champion, SEF International Champion, and SEF Rookie Of The Year, and the next award that I am going this year will be SEF World Heavyweight Champion, and SEF Superstar Of The Year. You see Matt Ward looking at you will be seeing Xanthus face on your body which mean I am going to enjoy beating you up in that ring, and I don't want to be friends with a loser like you. On "War", Matt Ward will be taught a lession which is never be to cocky predicting you going to win, because your prediction will backfire on you, so the only thing I am going to say to Matt Ward expect PAIN from Chris Orton.

Chris Orton had a smirk smile on his face, as SEF fans were cheering in the background, and the scene faded black.


This Layout Was Made For Chris Orton by Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.

Liz Decker

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