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So Much For Honor (Joe Dumar)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 11:04:20 AM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:20/03/2009 4:22 PMCopy HTML

(So Joe suffered yet another loss, although for the second time in a row it was a tainted win for his opponent. Logan Dudley was the challenge for this past WAR and although he actually got a pin on Joe, he failed to show his honor in doing so. Logan took the low road to victory and maybe for some, maybe for him...that is ok, but not for Joe. He is passionate about what he does, he prides himself on loving wrestling just like every single fan who watches, and he always his honorable when he steps in that ring. If Joe cannot beat a man he takes the loss and just works harder, he does not sink down and take a cheapshot to victory like Logan Dudley and Phoenix Winterborn. He gets some retribution, not revenge, retribution, against both men for this Monday its a triple threat and whether anyone realizes it or not, Joe Dumar is the biggest threat in that match. He may not tell you so, he may be humble, but he is the man you better watch out for Monday, Logan and Phoenix better be on top of their game, better than they've ever been before. Joe is fired up, he's ready to go, he's standing by with an angry expression holding a singapore cane at his side, standing in front of the SEF logo on a mesh fence wrapped in barbed wire.)
Joe Dumar: It is indeed a war on Monday, one that Phoenix and Logan will have to fight for survival, let alone winning. Its not about that, winning, It never really was in my mind and now especially winning has nothing to do with it. You two punks come in here and preach something great, talk yourselves up to be so hardcore yet ya take the low road to victory, you cheat to win. Sure, ya did what ya had to get the job done, whatever! Your all talk and no go, your both just a couple bitches and I'm gonna give ya both every goddamn inch of this cane!
(He swings the cane up cracking it against his own chest and just sneer, then hits himself again and snarl, then again and he screams in a primal voice.)
Joe Dumar: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH...you sacks of shit want hardcore, you want to bleed and feel fucking pain, you think you know true hardcore is...do ya...do ya...DO YA...you have no idea what twisted ideas have formed in the years SEF has existed, you have no idea what kind of revolution SEF was and is on this business, you really don't have a fucking clue, to quote a true veteran and great man.
(Joe looks down at the cane, he grips it tight and then looks back up with those pissed off eyes.)
Joe Dumar: What do I have to lose to the two of you...tell me boys, what the hell is it I have to lose in this match? Getting pinned or even submitting if you can actually make me do that? No, neither one, nothing is what I have to lose because all I'm doing is going to the ring and I'm gonna show you two what hardcore is all about. You come into SEF all cocky thinking you know it all and that no one has ever seen hardcore like you have, well your fucking wrong and your fucking pathetic and you will never be respected until you accept the truth. That is that there are many others out there who live and die by the hardcore sword, they are hardcore because its inside of them. We all got the scars of this business, all wrestlers are hardcore by nature, some more than others for what their willing to do, to go through. Not by what weapons they pick up, not by what type of match they can compete in, but by their drive, what makes them keep going in a match when they've taken so much abuse that most men would give in, but not them. That's hardcore and until you two assholes realize that truth you will never be hardcore and you will never be respected and Logan, unlike your pathetic lies, that is a real shoot, so shove it up your ass you lousy fucker!
(Wow, Joe is pissed, he's fired the fuck up, sounds a little like Xanthus, holy shit. He just standst here breathing heavy and sneering.)
Joe Dumar: The two of you came to the wrong company to brag up what you bragged cause now ya gotta prove yourself and you ain't proved shit! All ya done is shown how patheticya are, shown ya can lie, ya gave the fans someone to let their anger out on and boo out of the building and I will stand right with them as I always have giving the two of you the truth...YOU FUCKING SUCK!
(Joe slams the cane to his chest again and again and again, then nails himself over the head several times and then you see a trickle of blood start to run down and he stops. The blood comes down the bridge of his nose and falls to the side running down the side of his mouth and he licks it and grins.)
Joe Dumar: I never minded the taste of my own blood, like most it does drive me harder in a match. I am no wannabe vampire like the couple chicks we had come in here, but the taste of someone else's blood, well that, that is something special, that drives me as well, its...its...wow...there are no words for the taste of your opponents blood, its just special...very special!
(He keeps grinning and tasting his blood, then just turns away and walks out of view, so the scene ends fading to black.)

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