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Get Drunk & Fight...Maybe I'm Irish (Hardcore Haz)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 11:07:41 AM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:21/03/2009 11:52 AMCopy HTML

(Haven't heard from Haz in a while, so lets go see what the bastard up to. He's found in a locker room sitting on a bench with some empty beer cans around him and cooler of beer. His singapore cane lays at his feet and he's currently drinking a beer, then belches and looks up at the camera. Haz smirks and downs the rest of his beer, then throws the can at the camera.)
Hardcore Haz: So Monday its me and the new guy...whoa, de ja vu or some shit, seems like I always be facing the new punks coming up in here?! Oh well, guess I'm the guy who's supposed to welcome them all properly and hell, this dude's some irish fuck, maybe me and him will get along or least as good you can if ya get druink and fight.
(He yanks out another beer cracking it and taking a drink.)
Hardcore Haz: Its an invitation to ya Connor, come on by and have a few beers and then we'll go beat each others ass, then go out drink some more or ya can leave mya ss by myself and we'll just meet in the ring and beat each others ass. I got no problem with you, I got no reason to be your friend, its just a simple invitation, I don't care what ya do about it. Monday night you ain't gotta worry about me being able to fight either, I'll be out there just like my idol woulda been and I'll be roaring to fight, win or lose you'll be in for a fucking fight!
(He downs some more of his beer.)
Hardcore Haz: Welcome to SEF son and here's to a good career or one hellof an ass kicking!
(He raises his beer in a toast, then slams back the rest and throws the can at the camera. he grabs another beer and his cane raising it to the camera and the cameraman just backs off now and we see Haz crack open his beer before the scene fades to black.)

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