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universal6 star tag team

Double Gold In 1 Week (Nick Roland)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 11:12:16 AM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:22/03/2009 2:42 PMCopy HTML

(The new International Champion is standing by now with his title over his shoulder, a baggy white tee and baggy blue jeans on and a bottle of water in his hand. He takes a sip of it and just smirks into the camera, the SEF logo on the mesh fence wrapped in barbed wire behind him. Westside Wanksta stand by him with a mic and says.)
Westside Wanksta: Yo peeps, what up? I gots Nick Roland here wit me sporting his new title and looking to get some more fold tomorrow. So Nick my dawg, what ya feel, you and Scorpion feeling confident?
(Wanksta holds out the mic and Nick just eyes him, then snatches the mic and shoves Wanksta away.)
Nick Roland: Look bitch, I don't need no wannabe to ask me the questions, I done this gig before, so scram!
(Wanksta needs not be told again and takes off as Nick looks to the camera, glances down at his title and smirks.)
Nick Roland: Alright, so me and Scorp got tag team gold in our future, all we gotta do is beat the monster of mayhem, the collosal Destruction...tsk...tsk..that gonna be hard. I feel though that the two of us, we got the match in the bag. Just like I owned Chris last week and won this title on my shoulder I'm gonna help Scorp and we gonna both be carrying gold on each shoulder. Destruction are mean monsters, unstoppable to many maybe, their big and bad and tough, but they ain't got half the talent that me and my partner got. Were both champions as well and at the end of WAR Destruction will not be champions, they'll be losers!
(He keeps smirking and you can hear the crowd boo him.)
Nick Roland: They may have their size advantage, but we got our own "power" advantage on our side and like it or not, our power advantage is stronger than theirs!
(He takes a sip of water.)
Nick Roland: So that's really all there is to say, my partner said enough already, Destruction, you can't do enough, those titles are leaving you and coming to a real tag team!
(More booing can be heard and Nick drops the mic, keeps smirking and walks off drinking his water as the scene fades to black.)

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