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Enter the Freekshow// Debut

Started by drakmen, April 05, 2023, 02:55:34 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:13
  • Posts:9
  • From:USA
  • Register:26/02/2009 10:31 AM
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Date Posted:22/03/2009 6:55 PMCopy HTML

Roleplay Title// Enter the Freekshow
People Mentioned// ??
Out of Character// Sorry its not very good, I don't like doing debuts :P

In the wastelands of the Arizona desert lays a depressing, sad and wicked place. A place where the unwanted, unloved and long forgotten of men and women go to escape the cruelity of you world. To escape the stares and the deplorable name that the so called 'loving society' has long ago given them. They are the Freekshows!! In the warm Arizona evening, in the setting sun, tent erect in the dusk light. A large big top tent rises high above the smaller ones grouped around it, a terrible sight in the horizon. Inside the tent are many people, men covered head to toe in thick hair like animals, women with skin like scales and bright glowing yellow eyes. Men and women sitting off by themselves quietly rambling about things that are sure to come, Transgender individuals and even illegal immigrants. People from all races, walks of lifes and countries living in harmony in this nomadic existance. Out side in the increasing darkness two young men, one heavy and one skinny, are sitting outside the small community, they are staring intently as lanturns are lit and the town comes to life in front of their eyes. Music begins to float in the rapidly chilling air and the skinnier of the two men sighs, leans back onto the hard clay, he fishes into a pocket of ancient jeans. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a simple silver Zippo, he pulls a cigarette out of the pach, places it gingerly between his cracked, nicotine stained lips and lights up.

[Skinny Man]
Ya know, I'm gunna miss this place, these people....I've been here a long time Josh.

[Josh] Yup, its a cryin' ass shame.

Josh reaches into his stained plaid jacket and pulls out a flask, he holds it up as in toast and speaks.

To a better life man...To re-entering society....To you, Joey.

Joey takes the flask from his brother.

To family..

Joey takes a deep swig and hands the flask back to his brother.

To them....

Josh takes a deep swig and puts the flask back where he retrieved it from.


The scene opens backstage at the Wrestleplex, workers are steady trying to set up for tomorrow nights show. Pyrotechs are busy putting the final touches on their works before setting them up ringside, Janitors are feverishly sweeping keeping a safe work environment and superstars are prepping themselves for the show ahead. The door to Richard Martin's office swings open suddenly, Josh and Joey step out of the door, Josh puts his arm around Joey's shoulders and they make their way through the building getting aquainted with their new profesional surroundings.

[Josh] You were right man, he's insane.

[Joey] Has to be to trust us...


As SEF comes back from a commercial break the camera pans the excited audience, showing men, women and children holding signs and jumping up and down enthusiastically. The crowd is yelling in a loud roar as a voice comes out of the public announce saying "We've got four fists, two axe handles of death...Watch yourself 'cause they swing right to left" as '4 Fists, 2 Axe Handles' begins to play. Josh and Joey Drakmen step out from behind the heavy curtain both holding a double bladed axe in his hands. 'Making their way to the ring from Oakland California..Joey and Josh Drakmen!!' The two brothers make their way down the ramp at a brisk pace, holding their axes over their shoulders. When they get to the ring Josh makes his way up the stairs and through the top and middle ropes while Joey slides his axe under the ropes and quickly follows. Joey quickly get to his feet as Josh steps up next to him and Sapporo hands a microphone to Joey.

[Joey] Ladies and Gentlemen, Nipples and Nutbags, Cocks and Twats!! Allow me to introduce us, we to Showstoppa's Extreme Federation!! We are the NEW faces of the Tag-Team division, the new FORCES of SEF, the name is Joey Drakmen...that fat motherfucka over there is my best friend, my bro Josh!! We're about to emark on a journey, a journey that will end the Drakmen name on every championship!! Every man, woman and child will tremble at the sound of our name. We ARE the ONLY superstars in this federation that matter anymore!! Fuck Scorpion, fuck Nick Roland, fuck Trash and Slash!! They ain't shit!! They will kneel before as we go straight to the Throne!!

Joey places the end of his axe on the mat and leans againts the broad side of the blade with an arogant smile across his face.

[Joey] Now, I know that there are people in the back wondering why this 'newbie' is out here talkin' shit...I'll tell you, because I am the fuckin' man!! I ain't afraid of anybody on the roster, I'm not afraid of shit!! I'm here to hurt somebody and thats exactly what I intend to do!!

Josh takes the microphone from Joey's hand and raises it to his own lips.

[Josh] That's right, we're untouchable!! We are everything you never wanted to see, we are your nightmares....Ya'll can NEVER do what we do!! On your best day you'll never be as good as us!! I'm a ruthless motherfucker that will do anything to get ahead, I'll take a butcher's knife and FUCK your wife if it benefits me!! We're the psycho bad  boys of the wrestling scene!! See these fuckin' faces?? We are NOT the average white boy competators, we bring the pain, the fear and the blood back to this sport!! We're not some pretty boy Connor Riley that shouldn't even be here, fuck that!! We're the Drakmen Brothers and we're taking over this federation!! [TBC by anyone if they want]
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