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How many times? (Wrestle X - 1)

Started by dvon, April 05, 2023, 03:01:45 PM

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Date Posted:27/03/2009 8:09 AMCopy HTML

l_961994cd75b7408492e046bacc5ff4b9.jpg picture by SMWE_PHOTOS_798
.::. Not that long in the company and already on the bigegst show. People may hate him but hey at least hes where some wish they could be  and at a fast time  aint bad either. Never making friends is  never been a big deal  all friends do is hold you back or down from going to the  height you wanna be at in any sport or buisness. Now with proving  whats been said  can be backed up some dont exactly like  the  kid thats cocky or confident however you wanna see it to be. Outside his home in Erie Logan sits  with his Pitbull in front of him in a  rather nice area  and he  finally   turns more to the camera.::.

Logan:  So this time you all travel to  my neck of the woods huh?  Fine. First let me introduce you all to my main draw here and thats my  boy Hydro here.  Now buisness as usual.  Obviously it hasnt sank in just yet  what im all about to some people around the company.  More so one who  seems to think the more you step in the ring  you actually have a chance at beating me.  Im  talking about a guy named Joe. How many times is it gonna take Joe to prove to you when you get in the ring more than one you cant beat me?  Ive beaten you what  three times already? Come on  wake up  granted  the last time wasnt one on one but nothing less i beat you as well as Phoenix. THe same  thing seems to keep happening  and thats you just cant suck it up and  put your best foot forward and beat someone whos  a bit faster and  quicker can ya? All you dwell on are my so called lies and  it comes back and bites you on the ass and i end up  beating you  time and time again. When will you learn answer that one.

He kinda laughs and  then rolls his eyes.

Logan:  Do you really think your little challenge wouldnt go accepted? I mean some might  think twice and others shy away but i was born into a hardcore family. Not by choice but neverless i was and to be straight even though  hardcore aint my gimick  ive been known to  go through with more than your average match situations. This time you can prove to me  how much you like pain how much you love to bleed and  suffer because youll have no other choice but to  do those thiungs you love so much in life. You think im afraid  to go through hell to beat you again your mistaken because i will  get the job done for a fourth time. I got a idea why dont you do us and yourself a favor Joe  retire. Give it up hang the  messiah  gimick up because your young  others would gladly pick you up for there  buisness  so just walk away  and  go out a hero. Thats what you wanna do right? You wanna keep getting in that ring with me and have your ass handed to you each and every time because you cant get over  the fact you cant beat me. You cant beat me in triple threats you cant beat me one on one and you sure as hell cant beat me in your own game. Give it up Joe save yourself from the embarassment  of being beaten again by the same kid whos  beaten his own father  on another show elsewhere in one of the most hardcore matches that companies seen.  Dont believe me or you  wanna say im lyin pick the dvd up  and  youll  know first hand i aint what i seem to be when anything pretty much goes. Bring every ounce  of  guts  everything you canna bring to the ring and do to me i will take it all. You beat me  ill  do what ive never done ill shake your hand in front of everyone and the world on the biggest show and  prove im  a man to admit when the  best  man wins. You have my word on that.

He gets up walking inside and  grabs a  drink  as the crew follow him in and he throws the dvd in the player turning it on.

Logan:  Better yet while im sitting ehre   so you cant say im a liar or telling lies  watch some of that. That match was against my father  two years ago and he never took it easy on me because i  hate people who take it easy on me  blood or not. We both bled like stuck pigs  why? because theres a real hate there  on my end the best he hit the harder i hit right back. I damn near  broke his neck twice in the same match.  You can say all you want about lies or  real shoots or  not  to me  your all blow with no where to go in the buisness. I am the future  im a second generation star and to be straight with you  im better than the  first generation. I proved that  on this  dvd. I have every match  on dvd ive had because i better myself and prepare myself for any match setting im thrown in. I dont go in blind folded by  whats been said in the past.   I also know  your one tough bastard  believe me i  know but i also know  the truth you cant beat someone a bit younger because you  can never figure out what i will do to back up what you have in mind.  I love nothing more than to top  the night or match before. Do you? Or do you like living on  always repeating about how i lie? Im a liar Joe in your book  fine then be it i get it or is it your covering up what others already know i am  the one  who  is rising faster than you and your  jealous. Your jealous of the fact no Dudley  walked in here and became the  guy people hate the second he stepped foot out the curtain and the people actually hated him because of who he was. One thing you can not deny is this. I am the future of the buisness. I am one of the young studs who will be around longer  than those before me. Your  not that old either yet it seems you like sticking up for those before you. Let me ask you this Joe what have they done for you? When have they stood up for you? Let me take a guess. Never, Just like when the dust settles after this time and bout none are gonna be able to help you then and they wont be able to help you now. You need to see the same light i saw years ago no one will stand by you not even those who buy a ticket. Face facts bro  the new era of attitude is ushered in the minute  people saw who i was and the way i am. I can be no one else but me. Think long and hard about how many times will it take me beating you to realise  you need to stand by me not against me to get to the top. How many times  will it take  of being broken down  to no point of fighting  until you realise  im the kid you know nothing about.

He again smiles a bit turning the dvd off and sits in the chair.

Logan: I hope  seeing that helps you  understand i aint just a kid with no  experience in a hardcore or no rules match wih everything goes.  Im not a kid who  is going in a  fight with a knife iknow what i gotta do  and honestly Joe its another way  around a old saying i have nothing to lose. While you have nothing to win and everything  to prove. So ill see you yet again this sunday  until then    bring on the same one trick pony lines about me lying because yet again when the smoke clears you will be left broken  and you will be left  proven  wrong again.

He stares in the camera as it fades out.

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