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I'm Wrong, But You Ain't Right (Xanthus)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 03:10:15 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:27/03/2009 10:49 PMCopy HTML

(So that fucking chump is claiming he's the greatest star of SEF...what  laod of fucking bullshit that is! I'm pissed now, muthafucka, he wants someone ti be killed Sunday, then he better look in the mirrior cause that's the someone! I kick over a trash can as I walk down the street here in the D. Damn, some poor fools trash litters the sidewalk now, oh well, fuck it, I'm pissed, fuck the fucking world and especially Orton, fuck him! He thinks I got no idea, he better check himself, he don't know me, he don;t know SEF history, he don't hardcore history, but he'll be taught firsthand by me! I head down the walk in a pissed of swagger, finally, get to my house, fucking thing is actually still standing. I head on up the broken path and hop up the porch grabbing the door knob and walk on in. I slam it shut and walk in through an arch way to the fridge grabbing a can of natural ice, then walk back to the living room and plop down on the sofa. Time to rip some shit, so I crack the beer and guzzle some down, then look up displaying my anger for Orton's lies!)
"Number one Chris Orton, you are not the greatest star in SEF and that is fact son, you got a long way to go before you can lay claim to that. I ain't saying I am either, I know I'm not and I can admit it unlike you!"
(I drink down some more beer.)
"Number two son, a barbed wire ropes match is brutal, it is fucking hardcore, but it is not the most dangerous match in wrestling, that is yet another lie spewed by your cum recepticle of a mouth! What is the most dangerous, its arguable as some will tell you its a hell in a cell or a deathmatch or some will tell you that any match where two men are willing to go to any length is the most dangerous, but ya see Orton, that being the case, the match stip doesn't matter, the danger comes from within the wrestlers. Like you and I, at Wrestle X the dangerous part is not what match type were in, its what we are gonna do to one another, you to get that win and get a shot at the big title and me, to teach you a real lesson in hardcore and who is who in SEF. The thing is, both of our goals can be achieved in the one match because where as you have to win, I don't, I don't even want to win!"
(I slam down the rest of the beer and drop the can.)
"By the way Orton, not one of us ever disrespected you. We gave you credit as a rising star, as a guy who was on his way to the top, but we had a problem with you acting like your bigger than us because that is something you are not and that is a fact...that is a muthafucking shoot in a half! Every one of us, all Da Gangstas...Impact X, whatever ya wanna call us, assholes, it don't matter, we all paid more dues in SEF than anyone on the roster today, we earned a certain status in SEF that no one today has earned and we never said that no one else is good enough to reach that height, we just stated a fact, no one else is there yet. You put in the time we all have and you will be Orton, hell, you've proved your loyal to SEF and that's a big step in reaching our level, but you still have a ways to go, you still got years to catch up on. Its not disrespectful to shoot the truth and you better realize that cause that's all we ever did. You took it the wrong way and that is what lead to you being beatdown because you disrespcted us first. The fans know it too Orton, they recognize us as the veterans of SEF and you as an up coming top dawg, but not yet at our level."
(I lean back now relaxing some, goddamn that was a little intense there.)
"Now hardcore, who is more hardcore Orton, who really is more hardcore between us? If you go by our track records in SEF, then hands down I am more hardcore than you and if you don't know that you need to brush up on your history son! Include shit we done outside of SEF and I am that much more hardcore. I will admit I don't know a lot about you outside SEF. I heard of ya in WGEF, nothing about your hardcore ability, so maybe ya got some hsitory in it I don't know about, could be so, I never claimed to know it all about anyone or even life, hell, I can barely remember my own life or I just don't want to!"
(For real, fucking shit was crazy, ahhhhh!)
"Anyways, you want to get hardcore, you want to kill me, then do it Orton. I never, ever have backed down from death, I have invited it before, I wanted to die for a years. First when I was just a boy growing up with that whore ma a mine, I wished she would kill me, starve me, beat me to death, whatever, just end my life, but I overcame her and got out, got into wrestling and it seemed all could, then I really hit rock bottom. Just a few years back it was, I kept getting shit on and had these flashbacks to my childhood and just drove deep into a bottle of liquor and pills, lost my love for wrestling, that's how bad I hit bottom, I was ready to die, I was so close on so may occasions to ending my life, but I either was too drunk or high to muster up the power or I wasn't high enough to want toand I overcame that and revitalized myself, reinvented myself and simply became myself! I pull no punches, I have no care, I will fuck you up son! You want hardcore with me, with X to the fucking A, you want to die Orton, you want to fight to the death, walk out only after one of us is laying dead to the world, physically and mentally dead, then come on Orton, lets do it. I been waiting for someone to want this, I wanted it for longer than you know. Stepping in the ring with me is like stepping in the ring with Mick Foley or Terry Funk on cocaine, I am that crazy and I feel no pain. I may get beaten, but I resist all pain that enters my body, my mind is numb to all pain!"
(And maybe numb to a whole lot more, heh.)
"You think I don't know what I am into at Wrestle X, you think I am in over my head, that I need a clue, no Orton, that is the exact opposite of the way it really is! You are the one who needs a clue, who needs to get his head outta the clouds and snap back to reality, wake up and realize that you need to continue and work your ass off, prove yourself to SEF and the fans, work on becoming one of the top tier guys like myself or Da Gangstas. Sometimes the truth is a bitter pill to swallow, but admitting it is a step to becoming as great as us, one day you'll realize that and hopefully it is soon. For Wrestle X Orton, my legacy, you can't touch it let alone end it. Kill me Orton, go on, kill me Sunday because it don't matter if ya do, my legacy will never die! You need to realize that a mans legacy in this business is something no one can kill, its untouchable. When Chris Benoit murdered his family and himself it was fucked up, the whole world was down and so many people ripped and bashed Benoit, but no one killed his legacy, he didn't kill it, it was not tarnished and it never will be! You can't kill a legacy, so I dare ya, I beg ya, I want you to kill me Orton, c'mon ya lie spewing faggot, kill me and watch my legacy outshine you!"
(I'd like to see him try though, Orton ain't got a fucking clue.)
"I may be wrong Orton, wrong to so many, but you to all Orton, you ain't right and ya never will be!"
(Alright, fucking enough, lets finish it at the X...heh, X at the X, Orton is a dead man and he can't admit. I need another beer. So I hop up and walk in to the kitchen grabbing one and...fade to black.)

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