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Ya Just Don't Get It (Joe Dumar)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 03:15:19 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:28/03/2009 3:29 PMCopy HTML

(Two young guys getting a shot on the biggest stage of all, an opportunity of a lifetime for the two, but the war between them is probably not gonna end at Wrestle X. All because of one mans lies and he now acts like everything he says he's being called lies, how pathetic is to not admit to your faults, overcome them and move on? Maybe the only way to realize the error is to have it beaten into you, but will that even make Logan Dudley accept the truth or will he just continue to be ignorant? We shall see tomorrow night, if Joe Dumar can beat him maybe acceptance will happen, but why that should matter is a whole different story. Rather than tell that one we go to Joe Dumar who stands in front of the ol' Viking Hall or as wrestling fans know it, the ol' ECW Arena. Its late at night, so obviously this is not live, but regardless, we zoom in on Joe who wears an ol' ECW shirt and just stands there staring. up at the sign on the building. He then turns to staring into the camera.)
Joe Dumar: You still don't understand, you just don't get it do you Logan? I never said everything you say is a lie, I simply pointed out a lie you told and then it escalated from there. Instead of being a big man about it and admitting the truth you dug yourself deeper into a web and now here we are, Wrestle X on the horizon, a hardcore bloodbath will await us and if ain't your gig, then it will be your funeral! I never said you hadn't been in hardcore matches outside of SEF, I simply corrected you because you said that there were more hardcore companies and that son is a lie. You need to do better research before you open your mouth if you don't like being called a liar for uttering a bold faced lie.
(Some anger fills his eyes now.)
Joe Dumar: You asked me what those before me and you have ever done, well as it pertains to SEF, they made SEF for us to compete in, they broke their backs for this company while we were nobodies in this business and now its our turn to rise up and be the future. They don't have to help us and I wouldn't want anyone's help. So what if I lose matches, we all do and it makes us better for it, we learn mistakes we made, we overcome them and we get better, well some of us do, guys like you just like to get hung up one thing and insist their being wronged when its the exact opposite. You've never proven your better than any generation Logan, to do that you need to first make a name for yourself in this business, be known by every single fan around the world, so spare the self praise son and you prove yourself cause like it or not we both gotta prove a lot tomorrow night, this spotlight for us is an opportunity not given out, ever. We earned the match and now we have to prove we deserve it, prove we can hang in SEF.
(He pauses for a few seconds.)
Joe Dumar: You have everything to lose Logan, don't kid yourself, don't lie to yourself, if you lose tomorrow night, you lose your chance to really rise up and be noticed onm the grand stage of Wrestle X. The same goes for me, I won't lie just to use some bullshit quote, if I lose I don't get pushed up the ladder. I never claimed I knew anything about you Logan, so why ya come out and say it like I did is kinda odd. Fact is, we know every little about each other, only from what we've experienced in the ring against the other is what we know, so the shoe fits us both son.
(His breathing his heavy, intensity pours from his eyes.)
Joe Dumar: I will never turn my back on the fans because I am a fan. I sat inside the arena behind me so many nights getting rowady and cheeringa nd chanting on the stars of ECW, the wrestlers who bled and sweat for that small company trying to be the most hardcore one they could. I am a fan and will always be a fan of pro wrestling, especially the hardcore ones like ECW or SEF. Like it or not they are in the same damn categorey as far as hardcore wrestling goes. not exactly alike, just fucking plain hardcore, real hardcore. ECW popularized in the states, so no one wants to compare other hardcore companies to it and true, no other company can do what ECW did, but they can be just as hardcore and there more than just SEF out there that are just as hardcore, but not any more so and that is a shoot.
(He calms his breathing, but is still fucking intense.)
Joe Dumar: Now ya want me to "see the light" and join you ya said, heh, that tells me something about tomorrow night, that reveals a lot to me Logan, that really, really shows me something about you, so thank you for that, thank you very much. As for your offer, I tell you what, you admit to me that what i called you out on were really lies and I'll stand by ya, I'll join ya, but I highly doubt you got the balls for that, so the only time we'll be seeing each other is like we will tomorrow, in the ring ready to prove were better than each other. No, my track record isn't impressive against or anyone else for that matter, I don't win a lot of matches, hell Logan, I've only won like a dozen matches in SEF and I believe I've lost twenty more than that, my percentage of winning matches is like thirty maybe. I am not the odds on favorite to win, I am not the man you bet on to put away someone, but I am the man the fans can get behind, I am a man they can cheer and love and get the same back, I am a man who gives them what they pay for, I am a man! Your just a boy in a mans world and no matter how many times you beat me you won't be man until you accept and admit the truth.
(He pauses.)
Joe Dumar: Its time to rise, but which one of us will rise up?
(Joe stretches his arms doing the crucifix pose and the shot pans back getting the arena sign in the view before fading to black.)

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