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universal6 star tag team

Making History Alright (Nick Roland)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 03:16:24 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:28/03/2009 9:36 PMCopy HTML

(After hearing from his opponent earlier we find Nick Roland, the International Champion sitting down in a leather chair, his titles rests on his lap and he wears baggy blue jeans and a celtics jersey with a black bandana on his head. He stares to the camera focued in and ready.)
Nick Roland: Ya know what Torres, yea, I will become a part of history tomorrow and I will be going on to hold three belts cause when I kick YOUR ass I plan on keeping the Tag Titles for my own, being the first man to hold them solo, now that is history making and that's what the hell is gonna happen, bank on it bitch!
(Nick reaches over grabbing a bottle of water and takes a sip of it, then lowers it to his lap.)
Nick Roland: I'll admit it dawg, you got the experience over me, you been doing this a while, seventeen years, not a bad run I suppose, but really, what have ya done that's so great? Been a lacky in Da Gangstas, had to have a partner to win the tag titles unlike me who's gonna do it alone. Ya held this belt I got a few times, yea, ya proved ya can maintain mid card status. Me on the other hand, this title is only the beggining, its my step to the top, I ain't sticking around to be good, I'm gonna be great. In seventeen years you stayed good and in less than ten I'm a be great, far exceed you in every way. Ya can't compare to me Torres, my youth, my attitude, I got the edge on you mister Westsiders Edge...Gangstas Edge...bitch, you lost your edge! Wrestle X is my night, I'm gonna be the man to set the pace for the show, I'm walking in International Champ and walking out the solo Tag Team Champ and the man better than your punk ass!
(He raises the water taking another drink.)
Nick Roland: As for my bad move teaming with the boss, "screwing" over Storms, get a clue. That was the best move of my career because it means you can't beat for sure. Even if ya got your little gang to help ya try and take down my superior skill, I got Ric watching my back and making sure I walk out with the gold. Last Monday I may not have become a double champ, but tomorrow night I walk out technically a triple champ and Torres, I got a two words for you...Interview This!
(He stands up now, takes a drink of water and spits it to the camera, then walks off tearing off his mic and the scene just fades.)

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