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Another War,Taylor Johnson RP

Started by UpsetPrincess, April 05, 2023, 03:22:44 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:14
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:08/01/2009 5:45 AM
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Date Posted:30/03/2009 5:34 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Taylor Johnson that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

The Upset Princess

 War was off and running and it was clear that most of the wrestlers were focushed as SEF biggest show of the year was going to take place and well Taylor was new and she wasent apart of it but she was focushed because she wanted to make a name for herself here and she knew that if she kept winning and if she could throw in a few upsets that she would be a champion and a name that was well known!

Now she had a match and it was with someone that she had to tag with so she had an idea of what to expect! She knew that if she was going to do well that she would have to take it to a new level! Taylor waited until it was her time to hit the ring and after one of the matches were over the show went to a break and when it came back Spirt hit and Taylot made her way to the ring and the fans cheered but Taylor seemed to have something on her mind so she called for a mic and she started to speak her mind.

Taylor: Ok,I know I have done ok to this point and I am sure that I have done better in some peoples eyes then anyone thought I ever could here! I know winning a couple of matches doesnt make you a contender but it should start to raise the thought! I have a match with a fomer tag team partner and well I know what to expect and thats the unexpected! This match will be fast and I know that if I dont watch my step I could lose and well I face that fear everyday in my life! I have learned to watch my step everyday and in this match I am going to just let it all go! I am going to just show off what I got and see what happens!

I came here to do well and now I am ready to prove that I am worthy of haveing a title match! Now I am not saying I can take Whitney but I bet I could give her a hell of a match or even better yet I could take someon on for a title down the road! I want to be apart of all the great PPV here and I know winning can cure that problem! I am not out here to wine or anything because lets face it thats just lame but now im out here to win and to get noticed! So little Ms Moore I hope you have what it takes to win because im not in the mood to lose or to get over looked! I have my mind set on doing some pretty big things here in SEF and its time I started to do some of them!

Now Whitney before I start to get to this match there is something I want you to know and thats your a great wrestler and so far a pretty great friend but I know when it comes to titles things change and well thats fine! What I want you to know is that when that time comes I will be ready and make no mistake I wont let my dream be taken away from me! When we got at it I will be ready and I will give you all I have and more because lets face it that title means everything! Ok I spoke my mind and now its time that you fans get your moneys worth so bring out little Ms Moore and lets find out who the better diva really is!

This Layout Was Made For Taylor Johnson by Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.

Liz Decker
Taylor Johnson

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