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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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From the battle to the war (War 1)

Started by dvon, April 05, 2023, 03:45:24 PM

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Date Posted:30/03/2009 9:12 PMCopy HTML

l_961994cd75b7408492e046bacc5ff4b9.jpg picture by SMWE_PHOTOS_798
.::. With a hell of a fight down and  even as far as some  signs respect from the fans  the battle line was crossed and  in  return  received with a fight  that  made some people take notice a   bit not just to one of the  guys involved but both.  The  feud  was heated and with it done  another night begins. With  still feeling the effects the ever so cocky and confident   Logan  walks  down  the hall  refusing some talks with  interviewers and  other things.  He goes to the locker room sitting awhile and soon walks outside to be alone  sitting  alongside the building just  leaning his head back on the wall then turns to the camera not as cocky as before.::.

Logan: I know what your all thinking  wheres the  ever so cocky  punk who  would run his mouth and  throw  blame on others and  just be arrogant  for the hell of it. Well tonight that guy is pushed aside because i realised something last night in that match with Joe.  I got  a few things i  didnt think he would brign out of me and thats going  the distance and another is honesty. Speaking of honesty  Joe last night you  gave me a fight and its been going on for a few weeks now and  to be honest with you i respect you. Believe it  if you want if not its your choice. I  was pushed  to the limit made to realise  theres a drive in us all to   go the limit and beyond and for last ngiht i  wanna say thank you  for  being the guy to  make me open my eyes instead of it the other way around. Not just last night but the  past few weeks.

He looks back  down and  sits thinking for a long minute.

Logan:  Now from a battle to  straight war. Tonight  me and my partners take on a  hell of a bunch of people  in a match that i  believe can be the  factor in what i become. Im a young kid who dreamed of rising fast in the buisness and its obviously becoming a reality. Tongiht though i aint about to  suck up to my opponents or my partners because  straight up i dont  need any of them beside me as i make a impact tonight like i have in every match so far since being here.  I dont need  Scorpion i  dont need Martin i dont need the rest because  i am a star who shines on my own. I dont give a damn who  is ont he outside of the ring or across the ring male or female i will show yet again why Logan Dudley is a one man m ission and  train to the  top. I  push myself every day and night  you can believe i wont stop   til i get what i want  and thats a oppertunity to go for a  main  title  to see if  i have that desire that will to make it as a top star. I also dont care if your married to  another  top star in the company it  means nothing but a oppertunity to showcase infront of  those  who are the   top dogs they got a challenge ont he horizon.

He laughs a little  standng holding onto the wall still obviously feeling the night before.

Logan: Tonight i want people to  take notice  i am the  young  lion in a buisness thats  full of prospects and full of  broken promises. Tongiht is just another challenge that stands before me another mountain i must climb and another  obsticle i must push past and rise above. This is the night i  show what ive always said. Someones  gonna  et high and tonight that someone is  gonna be me.

He walks back towards the  door walking in as the cameras fades as he  disappears inside

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