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The Coming of The Immortal One(All Read)

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Date Posted:02/04/2009 8:01 PMCopy HTML

The dark and ever so dirty arena was somewhat quiet on this day April 2nd, 2009. It was about 7:20pm and Ravyn Crow was hidden in the shadows,watching and waiting for the time to strike. Monday Night War was approaching next week and Ravyn was ready to soon emerge and show the world that he is in fact ready to destroy more people and make them fear him. One of his minions, Angel, a wannabe vampiress, was given instructions to seek out all those who was in the heavyweight division and let them know that a new threat was emerging, and they was about to be taken out very soon. Ravyn has been wanting after this belt for ages and now he was going to take this moment in time to go for the one that that eluded him since he started in the wrestling business. Ravyn used to travel with his ex wife Midnight before they divorced and now he was alone in this world as he once was before they met centuries ago. Ravyn had grown kids, Damien and Ravenna, who had kids of their own and was not in the business as he was or now is. Ravyn moved swiftly in the shadows and came upon Angel who began to speak as he tuned his ears to listen to what she had to say at the moment. They carried a brief conversation as we listened to it.

"Did you warned them?" He whispered.

"Yes..I did. One they call Whitney Marret said to tell you that she isn't scared of assholes like you and to bring it on. She will be glad to show you that she does not fear the darkness."

Ravyn chuckles slightly before speaking.

"Whitney has no clue that I am not like the other dark entities that came before me. Midnight may have been here and left, but I do not plan to run nor be worried of her idol threats. Her hatred tells the tale that I am already getting to her mentally. Why else would she get so angry."

"Should I send a returned message my lord?"

"No. I will do that myself little one. For now, take your leave and go home. I will call for you in due time my child."

Angel kneeled before her lordship and kisses the hand with a ring on it. She stood up and walked away into the dark shadows of the arena. Ravyn began to speak into the watching camera. His voice sprang to life full of boldness and of order,like a general giving orders in the army.

"So it is written that the time for me to come to this federation and destroy all those that want the heavyweight title. The one holding that title is a marked person and I, Ravyn Crow, will seek you out and take you completely out and claim the new king of SEF. All those who are beneath me will bow before my feet and make aware that I am the lord of darkness. You will utter my name in fear, knowing that I am just that...FEAR. You will show me respect, or I shall make you feel my pain, all of it, and then you will see that I am not to be taken lightly. I will be swift and cunning and your lives will be in my hands. Be forewarned that I do not feel remorse for what I do, nor will I shall mercy upon my victims when remove them from ever wrestling again. You all are my victims and the first of them will be shown my wrath...very...very..soon! For now, expect the unexpected."

Ravyn stepped back into the shadows fully and chuckled as the scene faded to black.

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