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A Message to the Champ Scorpion(All Read)

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Date Posted:02/04/2009 10:36 PMCopy HTML

Security was working the night shift when a commotion arose out of the shadows of the arena. One of the 3 guards went to investigate it when Ravyn popped out of the shadows, lead pipe in hand. He nails the 6 foot 4 and 200 pound guy in the head and knocks him out. He then grabs the guy, drags him into an empty room and strips him naked. He then puts girl clothes on him and paints up the guy's face with feminine makeup before draping a large sign over his neck. The sign read..

"Will give head to guys for fifty cents"

Ravyn gave an evil grin before he disappeared into the shadows. About fifteen minutes later, he shows up behind the 2nd guard, this time with a taser gun and tasers the guy. He then drags him to a dumpster and throws him in, locking it up in the process. He then goes back into the shadows for the last guard. Ten minutes goes by and Ravyn finds the last guard and attacks him from behind with a kendo stick. He then locks on the Hell's Fury and forces the guy to tap out violently. Ravyn lets go and then leans down to his face to speak.

"You tell Scorpion..that death is coming for him. Tell him Ravyn Crow sent you."

Ravyn then smacks the guy in the left side of his cheek softly before ducking into the shadows one final time.


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