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Showing Who The True Diva Is (Staci Sparx)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 03:52:31 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:03/04/2009 2:57 PMCopy HTML

(The championship for the divas is returning to SEF and two women fight to wear it on WAR. One woman is known for sominating the womens division, for being a trendsetter, the backbone of not just the womens division, but one the main supports for SEF itself. The other is a relative newcomer to SEF, but with ties to wrestling. She is the mother of Xanthus, the girlfriend to Whitney's father, she hopes to be the next X Diva Champion, but its not gonna be easy for her on WAR. We open in an office, probably Richard Martin's, but only find Staci in there laying on his desk wearing a pink garter belt with matching lace panties and garters, a matching lace bra and her blonde hair hanging freely. Her right arm is propped up on the desk holding her head up, her left arm lays on her side and she just smirks.)
Staci Sparx: I suppose I need to speak my mind about Monday, the night I get my hands on the Diva Title. I may not be as big in the wrestling world as Whitney is, I haven't had mnay matches, but I have endured a lot in my life, I know how to fight, and I really know how to get what I want!
(She bats her eyes a little and runs her left hand on her thigh seductively.)
Staci Sparx: It won't be easy for me, Whitney will be a tough challenge, but I want the title more and I will get it, I have ot and your father Whitney, he will make sure his new "lil girl" gets whatever she desires! You can be Daddy Mack's lil girl all you like, he's fun to play with, I know from experience remember!? I prefer a man with more power, a man like your father who can truly give me the world, give me everything I want and more. On WAR I am the new Diva Champion and there is nothing you can do about it!
(She smiles while still rubbing her hand on her thigh.)
Staci Sparx: Your new momma is gonna take you to school and teach you how a real hellcat tears apart their victim, so Whitney, its time to hear me roar!
(She purrs a little, smirks and then makes a RAWR sound and licks her lips.)
Staci Sparx: See you Monday dear!
(Staci sits up now crossing her legs, then waves to the camera which now backs up and fades away.)

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