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universal6 star tag team

Making A Scene (Nick Torres & Xanthus)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 03:53:34 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:03/04/2009 5:22 PMCopy HTML

(What started ith a whole gang just a couple months back is now down to four, but the four are the best the place has to offer. Storms and Viper retired from SEF, but it seems there could be a change in power if...when Whitney beats her father. Mack ain't allowed to wrestle no more, least not until the change of power, but Torres and X, them boys get to tear it up on WAR in a six man tag, the Tag Champs teaming with Chris Orton to face a brother tag team and the World Chump, er Champ Scorpion. Should be a chaotic match, kinda like last week with the eight person tag which followed that huge night known as Wrestle X where X got attacked by some chump in a mask. He's still pissed about that, wants to know who it was. He's pacing back and forth in front of an SEF backdrop, a cane in his hand and a cigarette in his mouth, Tag Titles around his waist. He looks pissed and then stands removing the cig, stares at the camera and takes another drag. Nick Torres steps into view throwing an arm around his friend, holding his two titles on his shoulder. X blows some smoke at him.)
Nick Torres: Goddamn man, when ya gonna give that shit up?
(X flicks the butt at the camera and smirks.)
Xanthus: Who knows bro?! So what do you know?
Nick Torres: Well I know Monday we gotta face some chumps, the World Chump himself Scorpion and then a couple brothers who act all hard and claim some bullshit sob story, act like no one else can compare or some shit.
Xanthus: So everyone with a bad past gotta be a sob story ya saying?
Nick Torres: Nah man...well yea, sort of, heh, shut up X!
(He removes his arm and punches, X punches back and they scuffle, then stop and turn to the camera smiling.)
Xanthus: I get ya on the duo, trying to use their background to their advantage, I remember going that route when I first broke into wrestling, thought I was owed something, thought no one else could possibly have had it as bad as me.
Nick Torres: You mean you changed?
(Torres laughs and X hits him.)
Xanthus: Fool, ya know I have, I don't play into my past, fuck that shit, I don't even look to the future. I do whatever the hell I want and live like there is not tomorrow, live everyday like I'm a die tomorrow.
Nick Torres: Only way to live bro, only way!
(The two men bump fists.)
Nick Torres: So how ya feel like living tonight, Friday night party scene!?
Xanthus: Ah man, why not just go get loaded on vodka and pass out in your puke by yourself...fuck people, fuck society, fuck this fucking world!
Nick Torres: Well I agree with ya on the last three statements about fuck them all, but I'd rather be around a few chicks instead of your ugly ass all night!
Xanthus: What, I thought I was sexy, your ideal partner?
Nick Torres: Ha, yea, you need help.
Xanthus: Probably do, so?
Nick Torres: Wanna go see what the lovebirds are up to, steal some of Mack's Guinness and weed?
(As soon as he says weed X's eyes light up and he dashes outta view running down the hall.)
Nick Torres: Yo X, wait up bro, I want some too, goddamn it!
(Torres walks after him speeding up a little as we just fade to black.)

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