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Come Monday.....The True Dominant Woman of the Ring Will Become The New SEF.....

Started by Liz, April 05, 2023, 03:56:22 PM

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Title: Come Monday.....The True Dominant Woman of the Ring Will Become The New SEF X Diva Champion!
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Date Posted:04/04/2009 9:49 PMCopy HTML

 //Warning\\ .The Roleplay of Whitney Marret that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge,READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

{Last Sunday, the whole world seen what lengths Scorpion would sink to become the unified SEF World Heavyweight Champion. To many of Whitney's fans and family and friends, it was a major disappointment to her that she didn't become the unified champ. But the next night, she got a lil measure of revenge by challenging Richard to an "I Quit!" Match at Redemption. But that's then. On WAR, she will be fighting the one that he father loves more than his flesh and blood, Staci Sparxx, for the SEF X Diva title. Will this be one match that finally gives Whitney a piece of mind and proves to her dad that she loves the business just like he does or will Staci get into Whitney's head and cost her the X Diva Championship?}

(The scene fades in from black and shows a very posh looking locker room with everything from a two black leather armchairs to a 60" plasma TV to a full bar with a bartender. The sound of a door opening is heard and two people comes into view of the camera. There is a man that is dressed in blue jeans and a black t-shirts and has black wrestling boots on and a beige looking cowboy hat on. The woman has on a black leather skirt with a off the shoulder black leather tank top and a pair of black leather spiked heeled boots. She also has on diamond hoop earrings showing and a necklace that is a silver chain necklace with a diamond teardrop pendant. She also has a 14.00ctw pear and round cut diamond wedding set with eternity wedding band all set in platinum. Whitney sit down on the couch first as Mack sits beside her as she looks into his eyes and says.)

Whitney Marret:
I just can't believe that I lost. Every since last Sunday, I mean, I went into that match hoping that I would win. I just can't shake it out of my head as to why I lost! I have played it in my head over and over and the only reason that I have came up with is because of my dad and that whore of his, I lost. I never would've guess that my own father would put his hands on me. He didn't once spank me or anything like that when I was a kid. Now he does it so he can screw me.
Whitney, don't worry about the past. Concentrate on Monday night. You have an opportunity to get that bitch back and get the X Diva title at the same time.
Whitney Marret:
I know, hunny. It's just that my father has been so fucking blinded by that cheap, fake, plastic gold digger who is looking for more than a relationship with my father. I just hate her! She's gonna get hers come Monday. I'm so sick and tired of women like her that think that they can just walk in here in SEF and use their "assets" to get what they want. It's not fair. I've had to bust may ass twice as hard as those whores and I didn't have to flaunt what I have to get there either. I will make that bitch pay for coming between me and my dad. It's hard enough that My mom, God rest her soul, has to watch down from heaven seen her daughter been tortured with the image of Staci on my father's desk, dressed the way she was. When I get though with her, she will be laying naked on that mat and with bruises on every part of her body.
(Mack looks at her with a mix of pride and concern. He then pulls Whitney by the waist to him as she lays her head on his shoulder. The sound of a door opening is heard and a woman comes into view of the camera. The woman is Mary Jane and she sits down and asks Whitney for a lil interview. Whitney sits up and says okay.)
Mary Jane:
How are you, Whitney?
Whitney Marret:
I'm doing good, considering that I lost to Scorpion. But look at my husband, that's the best thing that a woman like me could ever want.
Mary Jane:
So, what are your thoughts about facing Staci Sparxx?
(Whitney looks down at her hands and then back up at Mary Jane.)
Whitney Marret:
My thoughts.....I've got so many words for that slut that I don't know where to begin. I guess I could start that she's a gold-diggin' whore that needs to be put in her place. All I know is that for me, I will exact my revenge for her screwing me out what was rightfully mine. (Scoffs) She thinks for one moment that she's gonna teach me how a hellcat is, she's gotta 'nother comin'. I'm from the state that has a good basketball team called Kentucky Wildcats. But then again, I'm from a state that has the next NCAA Champions, Michigan State Spartans. This Spartan will kill the hellcat and become the new X Diva Champion. She's got a world of hurtin' on her shoulders from me. I don't care of what I have to do or what I have to get my hands on, she will never become the X Diva Champion. For as long as I got my hands on it, she will never get her hands on it. I will make her.....
Mary Jane:
How come you don't refer to Staci by name?
(Whitney looks at Mary Jane as if she's crazy.)
Whitney Marret:
How come? How come? I will never say her name and she will never be my mom. Like I said, my mom has been dead for fifteen years. I'm sorta glad that she's dead because she wouldn't have to see my dad consorting with such filth and ugliness. But as for my dad's girlfriend, she don't know what I'm gonna do. I am going to take her down to the depths of hell. She has never known the fury that I'm going to unleash on her. I'm gonna make her feel like she's in hell and the flames of hell are gonna consume her flesh. Come Monday night, I will be the new X Diva Champion.
Mary Jane:
Do you have anything to say to her?
(Whitney then looks into the camera and says.)
Whitney Marret:
As far the SEF is concerned, I am the dominant female! You can learn that the easy way, or I can teach it to you the hard way! But I guess you're gonna be one of the ones that gets it taught to you the hard way because you're just another dumb blonde that need an ass kicking from hell. I HATE you! I truly hate you with ever breath I take, with every drop of my blood, with every fiber of my being. You're gonna find out how much I hate you when we get into the ring together and truly find out why I'm the dominant one here in SEF. Hunny, you're just a meddlesome bitch! A meddlesome bitch that will be put her place. Well, I guess it's true what they really say, blonds are dumb. And your dumb ass will be put down and you will feel the wrath of the Southern Pride or pass out from Southern Sleeper. Bitch, get ready.....By the end of tonight, 'Whitney Marret' will be a name emblazoned in peoples' minds as the greatest woman in SEF history and the woman who put her father's skank on the shelf.........PERMENTALY!
(The scene fades to black after Whitney smiles evilly and with purpose.)

This Layout Was Made For Whitney Marret  by Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.

Liz Decker

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