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Welcome To Real Violence (Joe Dumar)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 03:59:27 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:05/04/2009 2:43 AMCopy HTML

(After a brutal draw and narrow loss Joe continues to fight week after week and this time he has Matt Ward in the ring, a big guy, potential, but he does nothing to further his career. Joe may lose alot, but at least he sticks with what he loves, he is in the ring every night SEf has a show and busts his ass every night! He did get a measure of revenge on Logan at Wrestle X despite the double count out, he left him laying, but a small, small moral win for Joe in the big war between the two. Joe's sitting back on a steel bench in a park somewhere, late at night or early morning depending on who you are and Joe just sits there leaning back staring into the night air. His face pretty unreadable, appears to be thinking maybe, but about what?)
Joe Dumar: You did good Joey, you made a nice debut into SEF and I have no issue with you, but if you still feel anything about me as far as violence is concerned, then we will have a problem. I hope you get that ignorant thinking out of your head as I respect you, but if none is shown to me, then all I will show you is a beating to your head and its not intended to scare you, its a simple statement, listen or ignore, but it will be true if ya disrespect me!
(He looks to the camera now, a serious look, passion in those eyes as we always see.)
Joe Dumar: Matt Ward, ya big ape, ya chump, ya come into SEF and act like your somebody, then ya be a nobody, ya do jack shit, ya waste space for someone who would kill for a spot in SEF, so maybe I outta just kill you!
(His eyes light up now, anger in them.)
Joe Dumar: I think its time the violence was brought to you, its time you experienced something lethal, something to wake you up or put you down! The time is on WAR...Matt Ward...your in the wrong place at the moment, but it couldn't happen to a more deserving person you sack of shit! You want to see something brutal, everyone coming in here wants to claim their hardcore or their violent, no one wants to show an ounce of respect to those who who came here before them, everyone believes their either a veteran already or even a legend...HA! Just a bunch of lies spewed by bitter, jealous kids who don't want to earn their way into wrestling, well its high time some heads got busted and everyone saw what real violence is all about and you will on Monday...COUNT ON IT!
(He jumps upa s he yells that out, then turns grabbing the bench, lifts it up and drags it nera a building, then rips it up tossing the bench to a window of some store. The end smashes into it and leans inside, an alarm sounds and Joe just stares at the destruction with a blank look. A light above comes on and Joe moves into the shadows away from the building disappearing from view and the cameraman gets the fuck outta there now, so the scene fades to black.)

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