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What A Joke (Nick Torres & Xanthus)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 04:01:49 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:06/04/2009 8:32 AMCopy HTML

(We find Xanthus walking down the hall inside of a hotel now, he carries a bottle of vodka taking sips off it and takes drags off his cigarette in his other hand. Eyes are a little puffy, he looks kinds strung out, either he's high, hungover, or just not a morning person...well it is Xanthus, probably all three or who the hell knows! Anyways, he gets to a room, probably his and flicks away his cig to the floor, what a dick. He takes a swig of vodka and shoves it to his back pocket and opens up the door marching in and yelling.)
(X walks in seeing both beds empty now and looks around for his partner Nick Torres, then we hear a flush and he walks out of the bathroom in a pair of jeans pulling on a balck t-shirt.)
Nick Torres: Goddamn bro, chill the fuck out ok.
Xanthus: Just making sure your up, lets go eat.
Nick Torres: Chill ok, I'm a get my shoes on and take my time, sit down ya jumpy little bitch.
(He smirks and X just laughs and gets up in his face. They start circling, then Torres shoves X back and sits down on a chair to put his shoes on. X just jumps around some, what the fuck?)
Nick Torres: You been snorting some shit again or what?
Xanthus: Nah man, I mean hell, well wait, you got some?!
(Torres just shakes his head, stands up now and appears ready.)
Nick Torres: Alright, lets go get a bite and get to the gym before we head to the arena.
Xanthus: Cool bro, lets roll, I gotta tell ya about our opponents too.
(They each grab a bag and head of the room, then as they walk down the hall they talk.)
Xanthus: So yea bro, these two posers who came in here, are opponents, they been calling us wannabe gangstas, saying we outta go and join the crypts or some shit, talking ouit their asses cause they don't who or what the fuck their talking about, even called us neverhavebeens or something dumb like that. Man, I can't wait to get them in the ring and show them punk fuckers up, beat some ass, huh, yea, huh, time to fucking destroy them two fucking posers!
Nick Torres: Calm down X, they just trying to get under our skin and it always works on you doesn't it?!
Xanthus: Yea, so fucking what? Don't mean I won't beat their ass two ways to fucking anyday of the fucking week. Muthafuckas wanna claim bullshit, I'll shove that shit down both their throats and wash it down with my piss!
Nick Torres: I believe ya bro, I know what ya wanna do and I know ya can do it, I know you too well and after tonight they'll know the both of us a little and realize just how bad a lie they spewed about us. Them boys though need to not worry so much about trying to get under our skin, well, it does work on you I guess, heh, but they still need to worry more about working with their partner.
Xanthus: For real dude, that's why were so good, all Da Gangstas...the originals, we work as one.
Nick Torres: They questioned their own partner who also questioned them, a mistake made by them all and one we'll capitalize on. Me and you, we probably don't need Orton, but then again its three on two without him and we got no problem with the man, he's arrogant, but so are we.
Xanthus: Speak for yourself bitch, I'm not arrogant, I'm just always right!
(They both laugh and are in the lobby now heading for the main door.)
Nick Torres: Sure ya are bro, sure ya are!
(X just grins and Torres punches him in the shoulder and he stumbles into the wall. He shoves Torres who laughs and motions to calm down, then they head out the door and over to a black caddy. They throw their bags in the backseat, then hop in the front, Torres driving and he pulls out speeding down the street as the scene fades away.)

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