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With each war the fire rages on

Started by dvon, April 05, 2023, 04:06:45 PM

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Date Posted:06/04/2009 5:18 PMCopy HTML

l_961994cd75b7408492e046bacc5ff4b9.jpg picture by SMWE_PHOTOS_798
.::. With not being the  type of person to stick to the same spot  on the night  ofwar Logan stands in the back withg a interviewer  close by with a jacket and regular street clothes on. As the camera  gets counted downa nd the interviewer starts to talk Logan grabs the mic and pushes him aside  stareing into the camera.::.

Logan:  Everywhere i have gone since the pay per view is that  the match with Joe and i was a  good match and we seem to have a fire when we step in the ring against eachother. You know looking back maybe you got a point it was a good match  and brutal but  you see  it aint about what  happens in that ring  with the same people. I realised something  after that match I shouldnt be  put in a lower class act match with guys like him who  have nothing but respect to the point it sucks. Thats fine im sure ill be thrown in against him again sometime and yet again the same outcome will happen with me  being the one who has a victory  against a guy  who   claims i lied. Whatever life goes on thats fine.

He  shrugs and  turns away and looks towards the other side  then turns back.

Logan:Tonight however its a  tanding poitn in time where i face someone i been in the ring with and honestly  even if i said he did it wasnt that impressive to me. Phoenix  you suffer the same fate as  some when you step in that ring with me tonight. Lately i believe maybe some are taking notice that i  back up what i say im gonna do.  You se Phoenix its as simple as  what ive said since day one you learn to  expect the unexpected  with me i aint a big hardcore fan  but i will go the limit if thats what the  weather at the time brings. You have a oppertunity to  have a proven ground and unfortunatly you go against me.

He laughs and rolls his eyes some  getting back serious.

Logan: Its as simple as the rising phoenix only this time you find out in one on one action what your against. I aint soome  kid who  has no  past or  future what i do have thought is something you dont and thats  passion. I  dont call  showing up time to time for a match passion its collecting the pay check and going home. Unlike these people who sit in the stands i do womthing abot my future. ANd tongiht i guess your just a victim orf  one who wants the top spot and waits for a oppertunity to truely shine.  Be prepared Phoenix because  god knows  i will be.,

He tosses the mic down and walks away  from the  scene.

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