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Get Your Fact Straight (Joe Dumar)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 05:06:45 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:11/04/2009 4:49 PMCopy HTML

(We don't have to go to some castle and film some guy pretending to be some vampire or king or whatever it is he claims to be, no, were about ready to have a few words from Joe Dumar, one of the most real, down to earth, passionate men you will find. He claims nothing for himself, he never called himself an innovator of violence or the messiah of violence, he never claimed to be hardcore despite all the goddamn shit he's went through in the ring, he never claimed to someone that no one could take out, hell, Joe Dumar has one of the worst losing streaks ever. No one has seen a losing streak this bad since Matt Matlock was in SEF, at least Joe is loyal and cares for SEF unlike pug mug. Anyways, Joe is standing by, lets hear from him on his opponent Ravyn Crow, heh, yea, here's Joe standing in front of the usual backdrop of SEF's, a barbed wire laced mesh style fence. Joe wears an SEf'nF shirt with a sneer on his face.)
Joe Dumar: Number one...I am right here in Biloxi Mississippi and in two days so will you Ravyn, you'll be here and on WAR we'll do battle alright and I'll show you fucking mortal I am and show you regardless of YOUR claim you will bleed just like me!
(Intensity pours from his eyes, from his whole damn body.)
Joe Dumar: Number two, my nickname that was GIVEN to me by my peers is the Messiah of Violence...the one and only Innovator of Violence if the hardcore veteran Tommy Dreamer. I never claimed shit, I never came up with a nickname for myself, I never told anyone I was hardcore, I've always went to the ring and just done what I had to do and that made me hardcore in many peoples eyes, mostly the fans and they are what counts for making people hardcore, so fuck you Ravyn!
(He spits at the camera aiming just under it to keep the lens clean.)
Joe Dumar: Number three, I don't claim I am some unstoppable force, I ain't a man who has never been taken out. All I claim is that I won't be put down for good, I will not be broken and Ravyn, don't even think about it cause you won't be the one to break me, no one will. I ain't the greatest there is, I ain't a big time player, I'm Just fucking Joe and I will just fucking kick your ass as hardcore as anyone else! I may not win, but you will realize you were in a fight when you get done with me and that is the truth Ravyn.
(He breaths heavy.)
Joe Dumar: Number four, I never underestimated you or anyone else, I don't think I'm the toughest there is, I am just who I am. Sure I'm tough, gotta be or I woulda quit this business long ago. I am not perfect by any stretch, but I don't claim I'm this or that, I don't preach that I'm gonna destroy everyone in my path, I am humble about myself because its who I am and also I accept that I'm not that good of a wrestler. I am however a fighter, I will punch you out or get punched out. Go on Ravyn, tell me what I claim, what I think, what I say, go ahead and do it, it only proves you can't accept reality. Come Monday though you have no choide because were not in make believe land anymore, were not in some fairy tale castle pretending to be a king of vampires...correct me if I'm wrong, maybe its something you claim, its just all nonsense to me. Monday were not there, were in a wrestling ring, in an SEF ring, its as real as professional wrestling can get, its WAR and its gonna be bloody, so get your fangs ready cause its feeding time. Hell, bring your wife along for a feast, I remember her, also remember her not being able to handle SEF. Hopefully you do better here, but your off to a lousy start.
(Joe's calmer now, still intense, he's ready.)
Joe Dumar: And yes, she has beaten me as well, one of the many who has and I have no excuse because I don't need them. I don't make excuses for losing as I would need a lot of them. Fact is, no one wins them all and thinking otherwise will only set you up for a bigger letdown. I'll see ya in the ring soon enough Ravyn and win or lose it'll be as I said, you will realize I'm not a bullshitter like many. I ain't saying you won't prove your tough, that your hardcore, ain't saying ya will prove it, I'm waiting for it, but in two days there is no more waiting. In two days we will bleed, ya better accept that Ravyn because I mean it, I never make a promise I don't keep!
(Joe takes a breath and just stares now, then raises his arms outstretched in a crucifix, tosses his head back and yells loud, the view slowly fades away to black.)

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