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Return of the Warrior

Started by MattWard, April 05, 2023, 05:26:55 PM

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Date Posted:13/04/2009 6:23 PMCopy HTML

MattTop.jpg picture by Canadianpunk74
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MattMiddle.jpg picture by Canadianpunk74

as the SEF Camera's are getting ready for Monday Night War as the Camera's are on Matt Ward as he is talking to the Camera

||Twisted Warrior|| ||Matt Ward|| Logan Dudley, do you really think you are ready for your match tonight, i think you have been hit a wave of concussiones because i am not Phoenix Winterborn or Joe Dumar. you are facing the Twisted Warrior not the american Tradition that you think you are facing well tonight pre pare for a Rude Awakening at the Hands of the Warrior.

Camera's begin to fade as Matt Ward Walks away from the camera

MattBottom.jpg picture by Canadianpunk74

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