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Getting Dirty with a Clown(Adult Content - Be Advised)(NC)

Started by midnight, April 05, 2023, 05:29:57 PM

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Date Posted:17/04/2009 6:44 PMCopy HTML

Pyretta was walking in the halls when she spotted a clown hanging out near a wall. She walks up to him and then speaks.

"Hey! Your awful cute. What's your name?"

He turns around and jumps while clapping his hands, honking his nose and then speaks.

"I'm Psycho..Psycho the Clown. Would you like a balloon?"

"I'd love one!"

He pulls out a condom by mistake and shamefully gets redfaced, which causes Pyretta to laugh some. He reached back in his pocket and pulls out a red balloon not yet blown up and starts blowing on it to full size. He ties the end of it and the ties the string as well. He then hands it to Pyretta who takes the balloon.

"Cool!! Thanks Psycho!"

"Your quite welcome my dear. Say...have you ever...you know..had sex with a clown? You sure look like you need some clown sex by the look of your eyes."

Pyretta giggles and then grabs him by his crotch and lands a big wet kiss on his lips. She then leads him by hand into her locker room and shuts the door, then locks it. She then pulls down his pants and grabs his cock in her hand and starts stroking it. She turns to the camera and gives a big grin as she gets down on her knees and start sucking on it. Psycho falls lightly onto the soft plush couch behind him and Pyretta gets on top of him and rides his cock until he comes. She gets up off him after they both get off and get their bottom half of their clothes on and Psycho grins madly.

"HEHEHE..HEHEHE..That was fun. You sure was a good piece of ass Pyretta. Come see me anytime...I'll fix you right up."

"Sure thing Psycho. Bye cutie!"

Pyretta waves goodbye as Psycho leaves the room. She then plops on the couch and flips on the tv. She comments out loud in a happy manner.

"I feel so much better. I love sex with a clown!"
The scene fades for a bit.

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