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You Had Your Chance (Richard Martin)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 05:31:04 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:20/04/2009 7:49 PMCopy HTML

(Its come down to one match to determine who will control the fate of SEF. For seven years one man has done that, Richard Martin, he has been the brain behind SEF for all of its existence and now he must fight to keep that position, but also to eliminate his own flesh and blood from SEF. Yes, his daughter Whitney Marret, father versus daughter in an I Quit match for the power of SEF! Ric will not lose ownership, but he will no longer be on television, he will not control SEF cards or tours, he must simply sit in the background and run the business side of things, but that is only if he loses. Ric has no plan to lose, he only plans to do things, retire Whitney and marry Staci! He is a cold, vindictave, heartless, asshole, but he is a smart man, he is a powerful man, so he can be all those things. Can he beat his daughter though? Both he and Whitney have to have butterflies going into this match, huge butterflies and it will have to be hard for either one to put down the other, so will Ric prove how cold he truly he is or will Whitney get her Redemption?!)
(We find Richard Martin, the boss, the chairman of the board and the only one who runs SEF, we find him sitting in a usual spot, behind his desk at the SEF Headquarters in Detroit Michigan. A spot he has had for seven years. He just leans back in his chair, no work, least not paperwork at the moment, no business, least not behind the scenes, of course that's why the camera is here. Ric is set to deliver his promo against his very own daughter. What can the man have to say? Will he trash his own or will he show mercy...can he show mercy? With that devious look he has many would say no, but that devious mind of his has proven far worse over the years, for more unpredictable than anything.)
Richard Martin: Ah, welcome to my office, your all lucky I allow you to see this place, all you pitiful, pathetic nobodies out there watching.
(He snarls in disgust as he says that.)
Richard Martin: This is my office regardless of the outcome Sunday, but what your all hoping for can never happen anyways. Whitney cannot beat me, she doesn't have what it takes to beat her own father...her flesh and blood. She is weak like her mother and that is why I never claimed her as my own seed!
(What...what an asshole and Ric, he just smirks deviously...devilishly.)
Richard Martin: I did father her, yes, in case all of you morons out there are deaf, I am the biological father to Whitney Marret. I made up a story because I didn't want a child, but then her god awful mother passed away and left me to the task of taking care of Whitney, so I did and I trained her to wrestle, had Viper and Mack to train her as well, we taught her a lot and primed her to be a great wrestler. I hoped she would do me proud, but she didn't. Whitney, you failed me and now its time for you to get taught a real lesson, to get put in your place. You wanted SEF so bad, you wanted to run a company,s o I gave it to you, I had the money and I created it for you and you ran it into the ground, you failed me! I had to end up taking the reigns and making the company into something because anything of my namesake has to be great like me. Its a shame though, I could turn SEF great, but I couldn't turn my daughter into anything great, all she is, is a failure and I blame that no good, rotten, worthless, whore of a mother of yours. Why I had to even find out I had a child is beyond me, the worst moment of my life, but I have Redemption coming my way, I get to redeem myself by putting your out of SEF and Whitney...out of not yours, but my misery that you caused!
(He stares in anger, his nostrils flare as he fumes.)
Richard Martin: Sunday is my night Whitney, its mine and then as soon as its over I am going to celebrate by giving you a new mother!
(He relaxes now and smirks.)
Richard Martin: I'll clue you and everyone else in at Redemption. For now Whitney, just worry about facing me one on one. I do have an option you can take, I will show you mercy one way and that is Whitney, you give up now! You say I Quit now and walk out of SEF, spare the humiliation of having to be forced to say I Quit by your father, save some diginity and just walk away now. Your have no chance of beating me, no hope Whitney, so just go away quietly and I'll forget all about you, we can cancel the match and you can actually live a life. If you go through with this though, you will have no life left, you'll be traumatized, condemned to an asylum because you will have no mind left to control.
(Ric stands up now and buttons his coat of his suit together, then slides his right hand into his pants pocket.)
Richard Martin: You will never get SEF for your own, you can never beat me, your not good enough Whitney, remember, your a failure and not just in my eyes, your a failure in the entire wrestling world, your just like your worthless mother and like her you will die!
(Ric smirks and just walks out from his desk and off camera letting the view fade to black.)

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