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Your The Only Guilty One (Joe Dumar)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 06:03:03 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:24/04/2009 11:08 PMCopy HTML

(People are funny, the human race is very funny, but only because of how sad it can be. You don't demand respect, you earn it and you do not earn it after spewing lie after lie and then denying and claiming your rival has to constantly bring it up. Some people have a lot to learn and may be taught best physically rather than verbally. We find Joe Dumar sitting on a bench inside a small gym, sweat rolls off his head. He wears sweats and black tee, his eyes dart up and that intensity pours out like the sweat off his head.)
Joe Dumar: Logan, I would have never spoke about your lying after the first time I called you out on it had you not lied again...and again...and again and continue to do so, but of course, you always go back to the whole, its not a lie, its what you perceive it to be, heh, trying to play a mind trick and it doesn't work. In case ya didn't hear me by the way, in case your totally braindead, I accepted why you lied in the first place, I am over it as I said, but it seems toi me Logan, your not over it, you can't help, but keep the trend up to try and prove yourself. Funny, but sad. Like I said before, prove yourself by being truthful and busting your ass and only then will you ever get an ounce of respect from your peers and the fans. Of course ya said ya don't care for the people, but ya obviously care what your peers think and Logan, they don't think highly of you. They see a talented young kid digging a hole everytime he opens his mouth and sooner or later Logan your gonna get too damn deep and no tbe able to get out. Ya think ya got my number, ya think everytime we met I was left laying? Check the history archives if ya can't remember that long ago, but Wrestle X, the biggest event of the year, we went to a draw and then you went flying off the stage, but not on your own. I helped you and I walked out while you were carried out.. Yes, you have the better win record, but I never cared, I've said it and I've proved it, I don't worry about winning. You better not either because Sunday you won't win, I will stake my goddamn career on it, Logan Dudley, if I fail to keep you from winning the International Title at Redemption I will retire from professional wrestling!
(Joe stands up all business, all intense.)
Joe Dumar: Nick Torres, you are the same ol' son of a bitch, but you hit a lot of good points with what ya said and I can't speak for Logan, never would speak for anyone else anyways. For myself, I will listen to ya, I will heed your advice, but I will eyeing that prize you carry and believe me, if the opportunity is there I will win the title. If I have to choose between a moral victory over Logan or a title win I will choose the gold...
(He pauses and his eyes wander, he thinks.)
Joe Dumar: Maybe not, ya know, I really don't know what I want more. Is taking Logan out worth keeping my eye off the gold or do I want the gold more? I have been busting my ass for years, never held a title in my life, now I have a good chance at fulfilling a dream and well winning would be a one up over Logan, with what I want to do to him I can't do both.
(He lowers his eyes to the floor.)
Joe Dumar: Logan, don't speak about what you don't know, don't tell me I claim shit you said about me that isn't true. All I ever said about you was what I heard outta your damn promos, I don't make up shit like some. Nick, twice the experience of us put together, then ya better use it cause like ya said, its a triple THREAT...believe it or not I am the biggest threat in this match to you both and I will prove it true, mark my words and watch me.
(He looks up now and then walks past the camera going to a punching bag that he starts hammering hard rocking the old thing back and forth. He just hits it, works up a sweat again and keeps going, no stopping unless he's dead, you can't kill a heart that big.)

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