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Next Victim

Started by MattWard, April 05, 2023, 06:06:14 PM

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Date Posted:01/05/2009 12:37 PMCopy HTML

MattTop.jpg picture by Canadianpunk74
Roleplay Title: Next Victim
Next Match: Mack and Chirs Orton vs the Unstoppable Force
Next Victim: Mack and Chirs Orton
Manager|Stable|Accomplishments: none|Unstopable Force|to long to list
MattMiddle.jpg picture by Canadianpunk74
Showstoppa's Extreme Federation has Crowned Whitney Marrett the new CEO of SEF, also we have seen a new show on the loose called SEF extreme. What is going to happen on the first extreme? The main event has the unstoppable Force against The new world champion Chirs Orton teaming up with Mack so you have the World champion and the Intercontinental champion taking on the former world champion Scorpion and Matt Ward as Extreme is heading to Amarillo Texas is it going to end up like the wild west? There is one thing on the mind of Scorpion and that is winning the SEF title again so is matt ward going to be going after the IC title against Mack at the Pay Per view or could Matt do it sooner. SEF cameras are rolling along side the Amarillo Civic Coliseum as the new flagship show extreme is getting ready to debut as SEF is putting their top talent on this card with the big main event that could changed the company. As the cameras are with Matt Ward as he begins to talk about his match on extreme.
||Twisted Warrior|| ||Matt Ward|| Tonight Mack you are going to witness that there is a hunter coming after your IC title and it is none other then me. You see you and chirs Orton might be champions but that might changed come the pay per view or maybe even sooner in your case. Chirs Orton congratulations on stealing scorpion's title, you see you will not have that title for long because Scorpion will take the title right back from you and bring it back where it belongs to the unstoppable force. You want to talk about taking SEF to new heights Chirs? You are most likely going to bring us down the drain. You see you might have the pretty girl, but she is only with you because you have the gold, but once Scorpion and I win the gold she will dump you in a heart beat.

SEF cameras begin to go to commercial as Matt Rides off from the side of the road as he heads into the arena full speed as the cameras go to commercial. After the cameras took a quick break as the cameras are back in the arena as Matt Ward is in the Unstoppable Force locker room with Scorpion as scorpion seems ready for this war on extreme tonight. Matt begins to open the cooler in the locker room and pulls out a Venom Energy Drink as he opens it as Scorpion begins to speak

||Ultimate Sinner|| ||Scorpion|| 
Matt are you ready to decimate Mack and Chirs Orton? Because it was a fluke that Chirs won the title from me at redemption.

||Twisted Warrior|| ||Matt Ward|| 
Hell yeah I am fucking ready to show these lowlifes that it the era of the unstoppable force in SEF. Because tonight Mack you will be put on noticed that I will be coming for his title because it time that he hangs up his boots.

||Ultimate Sinner|| ||Scorpion|| 
Chirs Orton is going to feel what it is like to mess with the ultimate Sinner Scorpion. Mack knows what I am capable of in the ring, so tonight is going to be a piece of cake for the unstoppable force.

||Twisted Warrior|| ||Matt Ward|| 
Next week on extreme I will be walking out with Mack Title around my waist and he can not stop that, because we are just unstoppable. Tonight is going to be the end of the Legacy of Chirs Orton and Mack at the end of the unstoppable Force because our legacy is going to be more bigger and brighter then theirs ever will be.

cameras leave the unstoppable force locker room as the cameras go to another comerical break.

end of roleplay
MattBottom.jpg picture by Canadianpunk74

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