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Josh is wack like crack

Started by Hank, April 05, 2023, 07:05:00 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:47
  • Posts:34
  • From:USA 
  • Register:25/02/2009 11:20 AM
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Date Posted:01/05/2009 12:56 PMCopy HTML

Camera rolls in to Redemption...
But before Ravyn can stand Suicide Hank, the other man and last one in this match slides in the ring with a chair and charges with it smashing Ravyn in the back, then lays it on him and goes up to the top rope leaping off with a stomp on the chair smashing it into Ravyn.
Nick Miller: Ravyn just picked up two falls here, but Hank sneak attacking him, though he is the last entry, so he's legal.
Hank picks up the chair, waits for Ravyn to stir some, he kneels up and Hank runs to the ropes charging back swinging the chair right to his head knocking Ravyn to his back. Hank slams the chair down on his chest and tosses the chair away. He picks up a bloody Ravyn and lifts him into a press, then drops him into a michinoku driver.
Nick Miller: There's the move he calls the Suicide Bomb and this may be over.
Hank hooks Ravyn's leg and pins, 1..................2..................3!
Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.......Suicide Hank!
The camera rolls back live where Suicide Hank standing as he smiles looking around...

"Wow, what the hell happen. I mean come on I won Sunday night like I say I would. Ravyn poor, Ravyn caught by surprise you know. I pull a Mick Foley in a way boy don't I love the steel chairs... HA now Josh this Sunday at Extreme I going show you why they call me extreme straight up. I'm about work your ass back and forth. You see Nick retain this title; it's alright cause at the next pay per view Reckless Rebellion. It will be Suicide Hank vs. Nick sucks a lot of dick for the international championship at Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. Oh yeah bitches, you will see me win I know that for a fact. So Josh, be ready this Sunday if you show up you pussy ass bitch. "

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