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The Legendary Ravyn Crow Speaks.

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Date Posted:17/05/2009 8:32 PMCopy HTML
Ravyn was hidden far into the shadows of the arena, standing and his eyes glowing red with evilness,while the fans hear what he has to say. His voice, sounding exactly like The Undertaker's.

"You know...I have been in this business a long time and I have never seen two of the biggest jokes in wrestling then Mack and Torres. Seem these mortals got this idea that they are better then me. Keep dreaming DX rejects. You both have diarreha of the mouth, and you both will find out why most fear me. Regardless of what you mortals think, I am the one that have carved a bloody path throughout my career. Starting from IWF2003 to BUD to now here. Orton thinks I am joking about beating him? He will see what I mean when his ass is pinned. But I understand how much of a pussy he is. Afterall...it ran in the family. His brother Randy was a loser..his current girlfriend is the slut of SEF...Taylor looks like a ray chewed her face off and then shit out the lefovers. Mack and his boyfriend Torres..needs to stop bouncing checks that they know will never get cashed. And Scorpion..you so much as try to stop me from getting my mission completed, so help your lord thy god...I will make sure that your teeth are shoved so far down your fucking throat that the dentist will have to be forced to get you set up for new dentures."

Ravyn starts walking out of the shadows and continues to talk.

"Mack and his boyfriend can talk shit about who I am but realize this little boys...this old man standing before you still has plenty of fight left in him and I am far from done with wrestling. In fact, if I was back in my younger days..both you chumps would be wishing for death right about now. Everyone has tried to put me down and out and I still stand. From Matt Matlock to Whisper..to Lee Spawn. Novacaine has even gave me the scar on my knee from a spike driven in..and yet I am still standing. NO ONE can ever put me out of the game...I will die a thousand deaths before I ever give up my quest to be a world champion. And when I pin Orton...he will begin to see the true death coming for him. I will then destroy him. I will make him my BITCH! I will make you two boys my BITCH!"

Ravyn walks back into the shadows laughing like a maniac possessed, as the scene fades off.

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