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Mack you are going down

Started by MattWard, April 05, 2023, 07:48:08 PM

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Date Posted:03/06/2009 1:10 PMCopy HTML

MattTop.jpg picture by Canadianpunk74
Roleplay Title: Next Victim
Next Match: Mack vs Matt Ward
Next Victim: Mack and Chirs Orton
Manager|Stable|Accomplishments: none|Unstopable Force|to long to list
MattMiddle.jpg picture by Canadianpunk74
as Reckless Rebellion is getting ready this sunday as the unstopable force is in action as Matt Ward is taking on Mack for the SEF international title, as Scorpion is taking on Chirs Orton in a Dogg Match for the SEF title, the SEF cameras are some where, as Matt ward begins to speak
||Twisted Warrior|| ||Matt Ward|| last week was a bad week for me, mack got the best of me i will admit that, but tonight on this pay per view i will be walking out the SEF international champion, you see Mack you might think you are big and bad because you use to beat on people like Jeremy Ward, and Jordan Brooks, and Viper, unlike them three i will be the one walking out of the pay per view with the title, as Scorpion will be walking out with the SEF title and the unstopable force will have gold in the stable. you are at the end of the line mack so it time you give up the title.

Matt Ward walks away as he makes his way towards the arena as the cameras fade to another promo about the Main Event match between scopion and chirs orton.

end of roleplay
MattBottom.jpg picture by Canadianpunk74

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