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Future Champs Teaming With The Champ (Xanthus & Corez)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 08:05:43 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:14/06/2009 4:49 PMCopy HTML

(Well here we are on a sunny, sandy beach in LA, the big ol' Pacific going out further than you can see, some nice waves for the surfers, fucking place is crowded as usual, but full of hawt chicks in skimpy bikinis. Xanthus and Corez sit at a bar on the boardwalk looking out on the beach, they scan over all the chicks, kicking back with some drinks.)
Corez: Hell yea bro, what a life this is, scoping out some hotties for a nice celebration after impacting Extreme tonight.
Xanthus: Hey man, long as ya get me one I don't care. The real impact was last week though, we killed them Drakmen bitches, fucking whores!
Corez: Sure did, but man, wonder why D-Von dumped on Cage so hard and then later on beat down on Orton...well I guess I know why, just don't why he went that route, thought he was about respect?
Xanthus: True bro, I thought he was too, but maybe he got some demons going on, maybe something been eating at him and he wants that World Title, shit will drive a man to do anything...anything!
Corez: Yea, like split up brothers!
(They both laugh and take a drink of their drinks, then go silent and stare at each other. Both men smirk and slap hands together.)
Corez: Maybe one day huh, but this year it ain't gonna happen cause them Tag Titles are coming around our waists at Golden Glory and we will revitalize the tag scene, THC all the fucking way!
Xanthus: No doubt my brother and besides, I been a World Champ before, no need for me to turn on you. Its yo ass I gotta watch out for!
Corez: Fuck you dude!
Xanthus: Nah thanks, I'd rather fuck that hot blonde over there.
Corez: Uh, which one?
(X just grins big.)
Xanthus: Every one of them!
Corez: You wish, but you'll probably just sit your shy ass up here and leave me to do all the dirty work.
Xanthus: Its what yo best at, no go fetch me a bitch...bitch!
(Corez punches him in the arm.)
Corez: I'll fetch you an ass kicking, well, after were done tonight helping Orton out. Guess we get to face D-Von again huh, him and the so called Unstoppable Force, course they may be no more, Scorpion was pissed bro.
Xanthus: Yea he was, he got beat though, World Title hunger ya know, D-Von turned and Scorpion is out of his mind.
Corez: For sure, guess our team got a little extra help, not like we need it though.
Xanthus: No way in hell we do. We got the World Champ having our backs and we be the uncrowned Tag Champs cause there ain't no team in the entire world who can show up at Golden Glory and beat THC and that's a muthafucking shoot!
(X downs the rest of his drink and signals for another.)
Corez: Hell fucking yea to that. You can shoot with the best brother, shoulda been a more recognized World Champ and held it more times or something ya know.
Xanthus: Don't know about that, I took a different path than that, I was a whole new level before Extreme went there, fuck bro, we both were, your the one who deserves more recognition than ya get.
Corez: We both do and ya know were both gonna get it this year, this it brother, THC is etched into the elite of SEF in '09, ain't nobody gonna forget us after what we do this year.
(X has his new drink and downs some of it.)
Xanthus: No, no one will forget and you better not forget to get us some chicks brother, c'mon, I carry you in the ring, you carry me with the girls, that's how it works.
Corez: I outta leave your ass hanging for that one, fucking bitch!
Xanthus: Aw dawg, I'm playing, I got to, ya know I need help here and I know you carry your half, so go pick us up some girls or I'm just gonna go pay for one, I have before.
Corez: Settle it down alright, whoa, check out the tits on that redhead...
THC: She's mine!
(They both eye each other.)
Xanthus: Well, you take her and get me some blonde with big tits since you do that dirty work.
Corez: That's what I thought, now stay away while I go work my magic on her, mmmm, she is a hot one ain't she, gonna be fun with her!
(Corez downs his drink and gets up from the bar getting kicked by X as he goes. X just leans back laughing and soon the view pans out over the ocean before it fades to black.)

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