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The Real King Of Hardcore (MACK)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 08:07:56 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:14/06/2009 10:50 PMCopy HTML

The Ultimate Rebel, The Extreme Icon, The Showsteala, The HardCore Kid, The One & Only, The Original Daddy Mack
You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAG!
The Big, Bad, Mack Daddy Lays Down For Absolutely Nobody
No One Makes A Bigger Impact Than The Impact Playa
(Been defending my IC strap pretty regularly and tonight is no different and its againt the new International Champion and self proclaimed God of Extreme, Extreme Legend, or whatever the hell the jackoff is claiming, this Suicide Hank, heh. Kid thinks he's hated, the most hated man in wrestling is it? I know he believes he was the most hated from back on MSN for a couple years and that's an even bigger joke cause hardly anyone ever even heard of him. He thrives on the hate he believes people have for him, so what happens when he isn't as hated as he wants to be? Guess we'll find out when I smoke his ass tonight, when the real King of Hardcore owns his sorry ass. Guess I outta spills ome shit for the people watching, so lets finish this screwdriver. I down the glass its in and set it down on the table in front of me hear in Whitney's office, then lean back on the sofa laying my hands on my legs. My eyes meet the camera and I smirk letting everyone know Mack is ready to dance.)
MACK: So Hank, ya managed to snag some gold here in SEF, nice going kid. Did ya do it by being the better wrestler, by proving your the better man, no. Ya did do what ya had to do and what counts, what matters is that you can call yourself a champion and I say great, but if ya think a double champion is your future, think again. Ya see this IC Title, ya see it boy?
(So I lean forward now, rest my elbows on my legs and point to my title on the table, dart my eyes up to the camera.)
MACK: Ya see it, well that's all you get to do. That belt stays around my waist, it was made for my waist and it will not leave my waist until I have proven my title reign to myself. You ask any fan and all will tell you I need not prove shit or ask anyone in the locker room and its the same response, but to me there is a deeper issue. Dick Leer, the owner gone from tv, thank you Whitney for that. You all heard the story, he kept this title off tv, ruined my over year long run as champ and why? I don't know that either, all I come up with is that he is a true blue asshole who likes to stick it to a guy like me anyway he can no matter the impact it has on his company or family...that being Whitney. My conclusion is he must be sore that Mack nailed his daughter and became her real daddy...
(Yea, I'll never let that one go, plus Whitney does like to call me daddy and I am the original daddy mack, anyways.)
MACK: I got a lot to prove to myself Hank, nothing to you, just to myself and so that is why this IC Title goes nowhere near you or anyone else. Take it personal if you like, it'll only mean ratings for SEF, so c'mon Hank, step up and get extreme, get hardcore with the real king of hardcore, with the icon of extreme, with the man who has gone hardcore more than you ever dreamed of and that's a shoot and a half!
(Fucking bitches who come in here claiming shit without proving themslves, wish this match was hardcore, so I could teach him a lesson without getting dqed, fans would hate that.)
MACK: I know a bit about you Hank, quite a bit really, some truth, some hearsay, half bad, half good, personally though, I never, ever gave ya a lot of thought cause I never cared. See, I follow this business like a hawk, I keep tabs on everyone I can because its just who I am. This business is my first true love and as much of wrestler as I became to this day I am still a fan of it as well and that'll never change. Years from now, a lot fo years from now, when I am too damn old to wrestle I'll revert back to when I was a kid and be glued to the tv every night its on. I live for it and I will die for it, this is my love, my life and nothing else matters, so c'mon Hank, prove what it is to you cause all I seen about you is some kid banking on everyone hating him to feed some fucked up ego about himself. You told my boy Torres I was one of the ones who hated you and like he told you, your wrong. I have a problem with your claim of extreme, but I have no hate for you. I simply am out to shove your bullshit down your throat and let you know owns who and son, Mack owns them all and that's just another shoot!
(Fuck yea it is. Damn, I need to go find Whitney, so I grab my belt and stand up sling it over my shoulder, got my gear all on and its almost time to actually do some dancing. I head on over walking out the door and down the hall in search of Whitney leaving the camera far behind, so...fade to black.)
Ain't nobody crazy 'nuff to do this gig 'cept for the HardCore Kid
-x- Disclaimer -x -
This layout is a fucking layout that means shit to me and personally, I didn't make it anyways, so take if you want, beat it, abuse it, rape it, sodomize it, trash it, burn it, do whatever ya want to it, take it for your own and claim it as your own like I did, but remember, its the Roleplay that means anything in the post, so yea, take the layout, later.

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