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Mack war Just started, Plus Josh will be dead.

Started by Hank, April 05, 2023, 08:24:30 PM

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Date Posted:20/06/2009 7:53 AMCopy HTML

 Last week

Mack started off schooling Hank, giving the crowd some delight and Hank would slide out of the ring a few times mad and yelling that its not fair, telling the ref to stop being biased. Mack just acted cocky laying on the ropes waiting for him. They would end up working a good match, Hank actually got the best of Mack for a few minutes or so, had him down and went nuts trying to keep him that way. Mack wouldn't stay down though, the man who can took the punishment was taking it to Hank again. A good match until they spilled outside and Mack was hammering hank around the ring, sent him over the commentators table and then rolled in the ring and back out breaking the count. He went for Hank pulling him around, but got a microphone to his head, then Hank slammed Mack into the ring post, the ref called for the bell a disqualification Hank.
Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........MACK!
Hank grabs the Intercontinental Championship and bashes Mack in the head with it, then starts kicking him in the ribs. He drops the title on him, then grabs his International Title and makes his exit with the crowd tearing into him.

This week

Fuck Mack, once again your International champion Suicide Hank doesn't give a fuck about the rules, does he live by the rules fuck no. Why should there be rules because they are pussies to see blood. Mack can't stand a chance against Suicide Hank in any kind of match with no rules. What match would be good for Mack vs Suicide Hank... We can tell you it's call a death match anything those. What could you see in that match a lot of blood. Oh yes a lot of blood. Well lets say you can use anything you want. Oh yes would Mack be ready for that. He calls his self a Hardcore Legend just like Hank does. I guess we will soon find out. Someone going be leaving in a pool of blood soon. We call this war. War of greatness. War of hardcore... The war has started and Hank leaves winning the first battle.

Suicide Hank is standing in front of the camera as it rolls on. He doesn't have a sad face or a happy face. His face is straight serious after Last Sunday it look like he wanted to kill Mack. He wearing a T-Shirt that says Fuck Mack and blue jeans pants. He has a serious face as he begins to speak...

"Mack, last week was the first battle which we all know I won by knocking your ass out. The referee wants to ring the ball and disqualify me I call this war. You want talk about your king of hardcore. How are you king of hardcore because the titles you hold that was hardcore. Fuck that Mack, I'll show you hardcore alright. The management wants to me up against Josh again in this King Showstoppa Extreme Federation tournament let them. It's alright, I will end Josh career Sunday night. What is after that Hank vs Mack once again? I doubt it but who knows right? Is the management scare to let us face again. Maybe they are and maybe their not. I want said is Mack your soon to be history. I prove at Reckless Rebellion I was going be Nick. It didn't matter if I cheated or won fair. So Killa Wolf shut up before I make you shut up. Nick don't want cash his rematch that is find with me. Nick shots to becoming a World champion for the first time. I doubt he win, he does I should take that away from him to. So Mack keep running that mouth just remember war has just started. Now with that, I am out."


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