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The Ultimate Test (MACK)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 09:02:33 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:27/06/2009 8:09 PMCopy HTML

The Ultimate Rebel, The Extreme Icon, The Showsteala, The HardCore Kid, The One & Only, The Original Daddy Mack
You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAG!
The Big, Bad, Mack Daddy Lays Down For Absolutely Nobody
No One Makes A Bigger Impact Than The Impact Playa
(Sitting out here in a hotel in a California is where Mack sits the night before Extreme, a joint being puffed on in his mouth and he stares out the balcony. After taking a long drag he gets up and walks out on it, takes a few more hits finishing the spliff off, then eats the rest. He rests his hands on the rail and just stares out into the air peacefully, a smile on his face. He's shirtless with blue jeans on and his hair hanging down his back.)
MACK: Tomorrow nights main event includes the showsteal himself, heh, myself and my boy Torres, Chris Orton the World Champ and oh yea, that punk kid Hank. He been running off at the mouth a lot about me, spewing this and that, claiming he knows all about real hardcore and I know dick. In his last promo he claims my idea of hardcore is street fighting....
(Mack just shakes his head and laughs.)
MACK: He claims his is deathmatches, boy, he surely has not done his research on myself or hardcore wrestling. Now personally I believe a deathmatch is more hardcore than a street fight, but to be fair, hardcore does not come from a special stipulation, it comes from within the person in the match and I am one of the most hardcore maniacs to ever step into a ring because I do not lay down for anyone, I do not quit, I do not let up one second. You came in here targeting me Hank, don't forget that son, you ste your sights on the top dawg of SEF because you want a make a name for yourself, but the problem is you want me in a deathmatch and that ain't gonna work out well in your favor. You question my hardcore ability and you'll be made an example of by the original D-Mack. Ya really wanna dance with Mack, then prove you deserve a crack at me Hank, beat me tomorrow night, c'mon boy, step up or get stepped on, chump!
(Mack smirks a little.)
MACK: Now Hank ain't the only cat tomorrow night I gots to face. Like I said, my boy Torres and the World Champ Orton. Both at the top of their game, Torres is eyeing that strap of Orton's real hard and Orton, he's out to prove a lot as World Champ. He speaks of passing tests week after week, well Orton, your biggest test is tomorrow night, clashing with Mack is the ultimate test to prove your a worthy champ. Hank knows it and you better know it to Orton. I'm sure Torres knows it and he'll be the one I expect to give me the best fight because he and I are best friends, were closer than brothers. There is no team like brothers, but it also works for fighting each other. With the four of us tomorrow night clashing, the egos, the proving points, the friendships, the hatred, its gonna show why the name of the show is truly....is real....EXTREME!
(He gets serious now.)
MACK: Only one man has been a constant on that show or on any show in SEF and that man is Mack! I've been the cornerstone, the conscience, the backbone, I am SEF and by the way Hank, this years tournament is only like my second, maybe third I've been in and this year was only cause of the small roster we have and so what if I would have been in more? You make no point when spewing your shit Hank, you have no basis to what you say about me, you make less sense than that tee and ay shit outta Florida, your trying to get to me, but nothing you say nor do is working. Hopefully this ain't your best work cause if it is you'll be too easy for me, way too easy. I welcome the toughest challenge in the world, so Hank, Orton, and Torres, you best give that to me or else tomorrow night will end like so many nights in SEF, with D-Mack dancing in victory!
(Mack brings his arms up in the air and smirks, then spins around and walks back into the room, the view fading out to black.)
Ain't nobody crazy 'nuff to do this gig 'cept for the HardCore Kid
-x- Disclaimer -x -
This layout is a fucking layout that means shit to me and personally, I didn't make it anyways, so take if you want, beat it, abuse it, rape it, sodomize it, trash it, burn it, do whatever ya want to it, take it for your own and claim it as your own like I did, but remember, its the Roleplay that means anything in the post, so yea, take the layout, later.

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