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I'm Already The King (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 09:20:30 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:28/06/2009 9:34 AMCopy HTML

(Last week we saw Scorpion's new alliance grow by one as Thor made his return revealing to have been Big Bill Butcher, so now its Thor, Corez, Xanthus, and Scorpion banded together and looking to be the best there is. Three are in the King of SEF tournament and all have their first round matches tonight. Scorpion faces Jordan Brooks, a man he and his teammates faced last week and beat. Since returning Jordan has had bad luck losing both his matches and not even being pinned. Tonight it changes because he will be pinned by the true King of SEF!)
(We find Scorpion sitting backstage at the arena on the floor, legs scrunched up some and his arms up on his knees, his cold eyes stare up into the camera. He wears all leather and his blonde hair flows down the jacket.)
"I will pay for nothing you fool. Jordan, I have to pay for no sin, answer to no one, I am above it all and tonight I beat the first of many victims on my way to get MY crown in SEF and on that same night I will get my other crown that was stolen from me by Chris Orton!"

(His cold eyes show anger now.)
"Listen to me Whitney Marret...tonight on Mack's little segment the Hardcore Hotel, you had best be out there to give me a shot at the title. Like I said, I'll put my career on the line for it, I will do what I have to for the match because I know Chris Orton is on borrowed time. He can't beat me, he doesn't have the longevity that I have in this sport. Chris Orton is a nobody next to Scorpion!"

(He pauses, his breathing his heavy.)
"Tonight I take out your friend Jordan, I give him his third straight loss since returning. He may have beat cancer, but the battle against the Ultimate Sinner is one he can't win. SIN is a lot harder to overcome than some pathetic cancer...I am far deadlier! You will realize that Jordan, you will understand what I say is true or you will continue to be an ignorant fool like everyone who watches week after week cheering for that worthless pile of shit Chris Orton!"

(He pushes himself up the wall with his legs, his arms drops to his sides and his face is full of anger.)
"Your looking at the real King of SEF, I own everyone in the company, I'm the man and at Golden Glory I take back the World Heavyweight Title and then I take the crown I deserve because I've always been the real KING!"

(Scorpion shows a sneer, his eyes still cold and then he walks away out of the view which soon fades to black.)

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